“Iron sharpens iron,” says Proverbs 27:17, “and one man sharpens another.”
People who want to improve their thinking seek out interaction with those who disagree with them—who will challenge their assumptions, test their reasoning, question their “facts.”
Onlookers can learn a lot from such exchanges. They’ll see people rethinking things, clarifying confused expressions, changing conclusions.
Now you have an opportunity to learn from an exchange between two leading Christian scholars on environmental stewardship: Cornwall Alliance’s Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, and Dr. Calvin B. DeWitt, a founder of the Au Sable Institute and long-time professor of environmental science at the University of Wisconsin.
Both are dedicated Christians. Both are good scholars. But they bring different backgrounds to their work, and those different backgrounds lead to contrasting understandings of problems and solutions.
In Creation Stewardship: Evaluating Competing Views, Dr. Beisner interacts extensively with Dr. DeWitt’s book Song of a Scientist: The Harmony of a God-Soaked Creation. He passes on many valuable insights from DeWitt’s fascinating book, embracing many of them. But he also subjects many of them to careful, constructive criticism.
Here’s your chance to watch “iron sharpening iron” as the ideas of these two Christian scholars unfold before you. You’ll learn much about what both the Bible and science teach about what constitutes proper, and improper, use of the world over which God gave humanity dominion.
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