John Adams, our second President, once said, “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right … and a desire to know ….” One of the most important branches of that knowledge is the knowledge of our nation’s Constitutional order, the threats to it, and the ways of defeating those threats.
“If you have found yourself frustrated when the United States Supreme Court overthrows the will of the people in your state expressed through laws or constitutional amendments related to abortion, marriage, parental rights, biological differences between males and females and the like, then this book is for you.”
That’s the first sentence of the introduction to Recovering the Constitution. It’s been happening for decades—and it’s about time states (and localities) fought back.
“On the other hand,” David continues, “if you like being ‘represented’ by an unelected and unaccountable group of Ivy League educated lawyers, then this book is not for you.”
David explains:
The help offered here is a basic explanation of what the Supreme Court does when it holds certain state laws on these type subjects unconstitutional. … I will lay out how the Court created a “doctrine” called substantive due process and used that doctrine to expand the nature of the judicial power and begin to interpret away some of the fundamental rights we had prior to the adoption of the Constitution and, I submit, we still have.
The larger effect of this judicially manufactured doctrine is that it has destroyed the careful allocation of powers that was made in the Constitution between the states and the federal government, that was intended to facilitate representative self-government, which his fundamental to civil liberty.
Restoring that allocation of powers—so essential to the preservation of liberty—is a task for every patriotic American.
Recovering the Constitution tells how you can become involved. You’ll want to learn how—and then pass the book on to your state representative or senator, or to your governor, or to civically active people in your community.
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