As record lows gripped many parts of the U.S. and Canada, the global warming elitists scrambled to announce to the world that climate change was the driving force behind the freezing weather. Inevitably, their claims have exposed the hypocrisy of the global warming cult that has instilled fear among the public. Temperatures in many parts of the Atlantic U.S. went down drastically last week. Canada was not an exception, with record lows registered in many provinces since November last … [Read more...]
President’s Tweet Trumps Gore’s on Climate Change
In Florida over the holidays, President Trump tweeted, “In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!” Al Gore—the leading global warming propagandist—fearing a collapse of his warming hypothesis, tweeted that the recent record lows are due to global warming. That drew biting derision from real … [Read more...]
Larry Bell takes NY Times reporter to the woodshed for taking President Trump to the woodshed
Kendra Pierre-Louis will rue the day when she took it on herself to teach President Donald Trump the difference between climate and weather. So will the New York Times, the newspaper in which she did it. Why? Because she was right. And that meant she and the Times were wrong. Larry Bell took her to the woodshed in the first few paragraphs of his latest column: President Trump’s December 28 tweet connecting an upcoming "Coldest New Year’s Eve on record" with not paying "trillions … [Read more...]
URGENT: A Call to Prayer for Millions in the Path of Hurricane Irma
As I write, Hurricane Irma has reached Category 5, with maximum sustained winds of 175 mph. The National Hurricane Center calls it “the strongest hurricane in the Atlantic basin outside of the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico in the NHC records” (emphasis added). The NHC says Irma “will bring life-threatening wind, storm surge, and rainfall hazards to portions of the northeastern Leeward Islands beginning later today"; the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico beginning tomorrow, reaching the … [Read more...]
Taking Politics Out of Climate Science
[Excerpted from the Washington Times] A red team, blue team match would test the assumptions of man-made global warming. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Scott Pruitt wants to adopt a red team, blue team approach to weighing the scientific pros and cons about man-made global warming. According to E&E News reporter Emily Holden, “Climate scientists express concern that the ‘red team, blue team’ concept could politicize scientific research” related to global … [Read more...]
When Will I Get My Beachfront Home?
In his 2006 "documentary" An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore said global sea level could rise by 20 feet (~6.1 meters) "in the near future." How near, he didn't define, but generally he's been taken as meaning by the end of this century. That would require a rise rate of 64 mm/year. In 2015, The Guardian, that the bloviating bastion of British Leftism, citing a study in Science, warned that even if we managed, as intended by the then-pending Paris climate agreement, to limit global warming to 2C … [Read more...]
On global warming, the American public gets it!
This is simply amazing. After all the hype by media, politicians, entertainers, alarmist climate scientists, and even a Nobel Peace Prize-winning former Vice President, only 28% of Americans think climate scientists understand the causes of climate change "very well." That's one finding of a Pew Research Study on which Scott Rasmussen reports in his #Number of the Day for August 21, 2017, which begins: Twenty-eight percent (28%) of Americans think that climate scientists understand the … [Read more...]
Was Opening Weekend for Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Sequel’ a Flop?
Al Gore's An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power opened in theaters last weekend. The documentary by the world's most famous spokesman for climate Armageddon, in a world in which Pew Research Center says people consider climate change tied with the Islamic State as the greatest threat to their nations, had a mixed performance at the box office. On the one hand, it ranked #2 for average revenue per theater ($31,206, behind The Battleship Island, which averaged $59,344). On the other hand, it … [Read more...]
“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”—Yogi Berra
In his 1968 book The Population Bomb Paul Ehrlich predicted mass famines in America and lots of other countries around the world before 1980, and that we would run out of lots of minerals by then, too. His predictions turned out false. He remains the idol of environmentalists worldwide. In 2007 Al Gore predicted, "“The North Polar ice cap ... could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now.” That would have been 2014. In 2011, he said, “the entire North … [Read more...]
The Gory Facts about Solar vs. Coal Energy Employment
On Fox News Sunday with Mike Wallace June 4, former Vice President Al Gore said solar energy has created jobs 17 times faster than the U.S. economy as a whole. He also pointed out that solar now employs more people than coal. He saw those both as reasons to celebrate. The truth is the opposite. Why? Because solar jobs are a tragic waste of human labor. Gore's right that solar employs more than coal now---roughly twice as many. At the end of 2016, solar employed about 374,000, while … [Read more...]