Wish I’d heard of Georgetown University Berkley Center’s “Symposium on Religion and Climate Change“ earlier. Perhaps Cornwall Alliance could have had someone there to offer a contrasting perspective---something most meetings seem rather loathe to entertain. Alas, I only learned of it about an hour before it was to begin. Aside from the usual problem of such conferences having scientific blinders on, assiduously avoiding the need to interact with the serious scientific objections to climate … [Read more...]
“The End of Doom” Sadly Doesn’t Mean the End of Doomsters
In previous books Ecoscam (1993), The True State of the Planet (edited, 1995), Earth Report 2000 (edited, 2000), Global Warming and Other Eco-myths (edited, 2002), and Liberation Biology (2005), plus many articles in Reason and elsewhere, Ronald Bailey has marshaled, often with other authors, massive amounts of hard data against environmental doomsters' claims of present or predictions of future disasters from population growth, resource depletion, pollution, species extinction, and … [Read more...]
What Threatens Liberty and Increases Abortion, Human Trafficking, Government Debt, and Poverty?
Conservatives, Christian and non-Christian alike, share concerns about civil and religious liberty, abortion and the sanctity of human life, human trafficking and pornography and how they damage families, fiscal responsibility in government, and poverty. What many don’t know is that there are links between climate alarmism and every one of these issues. Let me take them in reverse order. First, climate alarmism undermines fiscal responsibility in government. Not only do governments … [Read more...]
The Dangerous Linkage of Government and Science—Ike Was Right
President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a great man, a true lover of liberty, and very suspicious of the power of government at the same time that he recognized its necessity. Millions of Americans would benefit enormously from reading his Farewell Address. Most have heard of the "military-industrial complex" but don't know that it was Eisenhower who warned of it. Very few know that in the same speech he warned of the twin dangers of government dominance in scientific research and of a … [Read more...]
Bernie Sanders Said What About Climate Change?
What's wrong with Democratic Presidential candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders's claim that climate change is the No. 1 threat to national security and could leave the world uninhabitable? My latest article in ChristianPost.com explains. Greener on the Other Side: Climate Models Agree, Nature is Wrong! … [Read more...]
20 Scientists Call for Prosecution of CAGW Critics—Judith Curry Puts them to Shame
Recently 20 scientists, firm believers in CAGW and proponents of policies to reduce it, sent a letter to the White House supporting a call by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) for criminal prosecution under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) act of scientists who disagree with them. Hello?! Anybody ever heard of the First Amendment---you know, that stuff about freedom of speech and of the press? Or, for those who don't like America's Constitution and Bill of Rights, … [Read more...]
Obama in Alaska: He Didn’t Let Kivalina’s Crisis Go to Waste
The Arctic, like the rest of the world, experiences natural cycles, and some of them can be pretty radical. While most of the world enjoys a pretty stable 24-hour cycle of sunrise and sunset, with the sun visible roughly half of each day, a little longer in summer, a little shorter in winter, the Arctic (like the Antarctic) goes from 24-hour sunlight in mid-summer to 24-hour darkness in mid-winter. Long-term geologic records indicate that it also experiences larger swings from warmer to colder … [Read more...]
Obama Sacrifices American Prosperity on the Altar of Climate Hype
Where was President Barack Obama on Veteran’s Day? Was he honoring the nation’s war dead at Arlington National Cemetery? Encouraging her soldiers in training at one of the military academies? Issuing an executive order to force the Veterans’ Administration to respond promptly and efficiently to the needs of our wounded warriors and their surviving dependents? (I must confess a little prejudice. It took the VA almost exactly a year to approve my then-89-year-old mother’s application for … [Read more...]