Humans are destroying the planet by emitting greenhouse gases. We’ve heard that time and time again. But if you stand there and do nothing but breathe … you still are emitting greenhouse gases!But maybe not only in the way you think.Go outside and stand there for several minutes. No external heating, no cooling, no transportation. Are you leaving a carbon footprint by producing greenhouse gases?Sure you are!You are no doubt aware that by simply partaking in the act of breathing, you are taking … [Read more...]
Much Harm and No Good from EPA Greenhouse Rule: Kill It
Empowered to impose sweeping restrictions on GHG emissions from all manner of human activity, the EPA has been free to impose unreasonable demands on electric generation, transportation, manufacturing and agriculture – just to name more prominent targets. Under the Obama and Biden administrations, with CO2 emissions being the focus, fossil fuels in general and coal in particular were hammered by this regulatory cudgel.In the last decade, regulations have contributed to the closing of more than … [Read more...]
CO2 Endangerment Finding on the Chopping Block—At Last!
On December 7, 2009—“a day that will live in infamy”—the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued what is known as the “CO2 endangerment finding,” which has been the linchpin of practically all federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide.Over the past 15 years, the EPA, other federal agencies, and various states have issued regulations restricting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, power plants, and other sources, all rooted in the … [Read more...]
Does CO2 Warm the Earth and Cause More Extreme Weather, or Not?
The Version 6.1 global area-averaged temperature trend (January 1979 through January 2025)remains at +0.15 deg/ C/decade (+0.22 C/decade over land, +0.13 C/decade over oceans). Source: Dr. Roy SpencerSo, does carbon dioxide warm the Earth, or doesn’t it? Are extreme weather events getting more frequent and severe, or aren’t they? Why is there so much confusion about these things? Today I’m going to answer a question someone posed on our website.The questioner, who apparently lives in the United … [Read more...]
Do Fossil Fuels Really Account for CO2 Added to the Atmosphere?
Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, the concentration of CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere has risen from about 280 to about 417 parts per million. Most scientists studying the issue think most of the increase has come from burning fossil fuels. Some people, however, question that.For instance, one person wrote to us:From a basic calculation I have carried out, my estimate is that of the over 200 gigatons[gt]-C CO2 increase of CO2 in the atmosphere since the start of the Industrial Revolution … [Read more...]
Indiana Economists Endorse ‘Carbon Tax’ — But Should They?
Fifty Indiana economists advise bad science and bad economics.Recently, 50 Indiana economists issued a public letter to their state’s legislature endorsing a “carbon tax” as an economically wise way to curb global warming by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.The fundamental premise of taxing CO2 emissions is that they cause more harm than good (and thus are what economists call a “negative externality” — a cost of doing business not borne by a firm but foisted off onto others … [Read more...]
The Forgotten Benefits of Global Warming
Most discussions of global warming, or “climate change,” proceed on the assumption that warming is bad, and only bad—for people, for animals, and for plants. That assumption is mistaken.While global warming will almost certainly bring some harms to some locations, it will also almost certainly bring some benefits to other locations. Indeed, in some places it will almost certainly bring both harms and benefits.Understanding a very basic element of “greenhouse” warming theory will help us grasp … [Read more...]
The ‘Carbon Emissions’ Deception: No, Carbon Dioxide Is Not a Pollutant
Falsehoods always go down more smoothly when mixed with truths. And they’re probably the most credible when told by people who don’t know they’re false—the sincerity factor, you know.Well, the lead paragraph of a recent New York Times article is a model of just that:“The Trump administration on [June 19] replaced former President Barack Obama’s effort to reduce planet-warming pollution from coal plants with a new rule that would keep plants open longer and undercut progress on reducing … [Read more...]
Does CO2 Control Temperature, or Vice Versa?
A Cornwall Alliance follower on Facebook wrote,I remember hearing someone reputable say once that the known historical record actually shows increases in CO2 after periods of warming, rather than before them. I believe might have been referencing ice core records among others. I found him persuasive, and if this is true, it seems it would be an important hurdle for climate change alarmists to get over. Agree/disagree, insight?Climatologist Dr. David Legates, a Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow, … [Read more...]
Does Overproduction of CO2 Harm the Environment?
Recently someone wrote this to the Cornwall Alliance:I saw the following comment recently posted online in regard to a climate change column & I'd like to respond to him thoughtfully & intelligently: "CO2 when overproduced acts as a pollutant which our environment can not properly use to make oxygen. It acts as a thermal blanket which raises the temperature steadily. This also harms the oceanic life which plays a key role in converting the CO2." He mentions 3 'facts' here … [Read more...]
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