Like my peers in the 1990s, I watched plenty of wildlife shows on TV. David Attenborough, the famous natural historian, was among the most powerful voices. Many nature lovers admire him. He helped kindle my passion for wildlife conservation. After university, I worked on many assignments to conserve species around the world. Never would I have guessed that Attenborough would undermine science. But he does. Attenborough is Wrong How? He says civilization is near collapse. And he wrongly … [Read more...]
The Dawn of Climate Realism: Coal Surges Amid Climate Rhetoric
Many countries have been at the crisscross of warfare between anti-coal establishments and the traditional coal industry. Despite the elite-empowered and politically motivated worldwide campaign to phase out coal, demand for coal is on the rise! Coal has been “enemy No. 1” for the climate establishment. In fact, it would seem that the entire global warming movement is hinged upon the singular aim to eliminate coal from use. Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) is a notion that … [Read more...]
The Astonishing Failures of Al Gore’s Arctic Prophecies
In his 2007 Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, Al Gore claimed that there is “a 75 percent chance the entire polar ice cap will melt in summer within the next five to seven years.” Well, eleven years have gone by, and Arctic ice is doing fine. Why do politicians like Gore make blatantly false claims? The Arctic ice sheet has been the heart of climate-change debate. So much so, both climate-change alarmists and climate-change skeptics have often erred by relying exclusively on the … [Read more...]
Climate Obsession: Blinding Us to Real Environmental Problems
Are there bigger environmental concerns than Climate Change? Certainly. But we don’t hear that from our daily news anchors and bulletins. Why are we obsessed with climate change? Not long ago, our interests were limited only to weather. But in recent decades, climate change has dominated our news columns. There is not a day without news on the coming climate doomsday. The reason for this is simple—climate change has been sold by the mainstream media as the most disastrous environmental … [Read more...]
Climate Fake News: Now Spreading Like Wildfire
Fake news, and any interesting news, can spread like wildfire. Unfortunately, recent wildfires in Greece generated more fake news. It has now become popular to blame every natural disaster on global warming. Here I try to explain why this attitude is wrong and can sometimes even impede our scientific progress. Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) is a scientific theory that states that carbon dioxide emissions from human sources are causing global temperature to rise … [Read more...]
Four Reasons Alarmists Are Wrong on Climate Change
Earth Day this year focused officially on the need to reduce plastic litter, a worthy and achievable goal. Nonetheless, much Earth Day activity concentrated on the alleged need to save the planet from climate change. Climate-change alarmists have long called the current warming period “unprecedented” and “dangerous.” But is it? Ironically, this Earth Day fell in the midst of one of the coldest Aprils in North American history. The severe winter of 2017–2018 has raised debates from two … [Read more...]
Beware EPA ‘Social Cost of Carbon’ Models
“Wouldn’t it be nice if we could scientifically determine the cumulative costs or benefits that result over the next three hundred years from our choices in the present? It may be nice, but it is impossible. ” “Because [mainstream climate] models produced such wildly different results depending on the projections and assumptions baked in the mathematical cake, economist Robert Pindyck concluded after an extensive review of such models that they are so badly flawed as to make them virtually … [Read more...]
Is Capitalism Bad for the Environment? The Eighth Commandment Offers a Clue
A common charge by environmentalists is that capitalism is bad for the environment. Indeed, Christiana Figueres, former secretary-general of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, opined that climate negotiations in Paris in late 2014 offered the world its best opportunity to replace the reigning global economic order (capitalism, or free markets) with another (socialism, or government-planned economies). But is capitalism really bad for the environment? One of the Ten … [Read more...]
Blessing or Curse? The Curious Case of Carbon Dioxide
In recent decades, select groups of scientists and politicians have blamed carbon dioxide (CO2) -- a greenhouse gas -- for increasing global temperatures to dangerous levels. Is CO2 really destroying our planet? CO2 is an odorless, invisible, trace gas in the atmosphere that acts as an important source of life for everything that lives on earth. In fact, plant and animal life on earth would be impossible without CO2. CO2 is an integral part of the photosynthesis process. Plants … [Read more...]
Freeman Dyson’s brief case against dangerous CO2-driven warming
At a lecture at Boston University a few years ago, Freeman Dyson, one of the world's top physicists, who replaced Albert Einstein at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, put very simply one of the most basic arguments against the notion that CO2-driven global warming is likely to be disastrous: In humid air, the effect of carbon dioxide on radiation transport is unimportant, because the transport of radiation is already blocked by the much larger greenhouse effect of water vapor. … [Read more...]