My cousin in California is excited about buying a Tesla. “It is environmentally friendly” he says. Maybe you agree. My friends in India, too, are excited about buying electric cars. They think doing so will help them prevent global warming.But the evidence suggests otherwise.Almost every environmental policy now makes reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the only way to “go green.” Advocates have even persuaded school children to strike against fossil fuels.But as a climate scientist, I’ve … [Read more...]
Church and Climate Change — Love Thy Neighbor, With Truth
The Christian church worldwide has always sought to improve people's welfare. It has been the forerunner for justice and freedom. That is understandable, because Jesus demands that we love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31). How then, in light of the best scientific and historical knowledge, ought the church to respond to climate change? How do we love our neighbors when it comes to global warming? Loving our neighbors doesn't stop with sending roses or being polite to them. We … [Read more...]