The news media have made the number and intensity of wildfires in western states this summer a household topic: as of August 14, there were hundreds of them, and of major ones, 17 were burning in Alaska, 11 in Arizona, 10 each in Oregon and Colorado, and 9 in California. The media and many environmentalists blame them on global warming. The numbers sound bad to people not studied in the field, but in actuality they're not unusual. In fact, the number of fires has been decreasing since the … [Read more...]
An Unlikely Ally for Scientists who Question Climate Alarmism
The "closest thing to a celebrity scientist in Seattle" is what the Seattle Times calls Cliff Mass, "a meteorologist who specializes in weather prediction and modeling," according to his faculty bio at the University of Washington's College of the Environment. Mass, a Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at UW, wrote The Weather of the Pacific Northwest—one of the best-selling books from the University of Washington Press. He firmly believes that Earth has been warming for about the last 130 years, … [Read more...]