The Independent reported March 3 that “a growing number of children are being affected by eco-anxiety—concern about ecological disasters.”Question: Do you suppose there is any connection between what school children are being taught in the classroom and may see on broadcast “news” all over the world—if they take time to pay attention—and their states of mind?Neither a typical school teacher, nor the average news reporter, is sufficiently grounded in the arcane discipline of climate science … [Read more...]
The Childish Antics of Global Warming Alarmists
“If you won’t play my way, I’m going to take my ball and go home!” One expects such behavior from 7-year-olds. Not from grownups. But that’s the behavior of 60 scientists, journalists, politicians, activists, and others who signed an open letter published in the (dependably sympathetic) Guardian Sunday saying, “we will no longer debate those who deny that human-caused climate change is real.” Why didn’t they just come right out and say, “Nya-nya-nya-nya-nya!” But they offer some … [Read more...]
Climate Obsession: Blinding Us to Real Environmental Problems
Are there bigger environmental concerns than Climate Change? Certainly. But we don’t hear that from our daily news anchors and bulletins. Why are we obsessed with climate change? Not long ago, our interests were limited only to weather. But in recent decades, climate change has dominated our news columns. There is not a day without news on the coming climate doomsday. The reason for this is simple—climate change has been sold by the mainstream media as the most disastrous environmental … [Read more...]
Monsoons Unravelling the Climate-Change Myth, Again!
Dark clouds, gentle, cool breezes, and signs of life everywhere. The Monsoon has begun in India, giving much-needed respite from summer heat! Images of India in the mainstream media can be misleading. They generally show only our cities. They portray them as overcrowded and unhygienic. But most of India is farms and forests. Nearly half the labor force is in agriculture. It accounts for about 17 percent of India’s economic production. From June through September, Monsoon rains give … [Read more...]
Can Anything Good Come from CO2?
As much of America remains frigid, media headlines shout far and wide that catastrophic man-made climate change is to blame. But is it true? What are the basic facts about climate that people need to know? Four questions can aid in the understanding of this complicated topic. First, is the Earth warming? Second, if it is, what is causing the warming? Third, assuming that CO2 is causing the Earth to warm, what is the cost of mitigating its impact? And fourth, if CO2 has little or … [Read more...]
Earth to Climatistas: I’m Not Cooperating!
The climate alarmists claim that global warming will lead to more frequent and more severe hurricanes. Nature doesn't seem to be cooperating. As University of Alabama climatologist and Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Dr. Roy W. Spencer points out: In less than two months (October 6, 2016) it will be 4,000 days since the last time a major hurricane made landfall in the U.S., which was Wilma on October 24, 2005. Wilma was a record-setter, being the strongest Atlantic hurricane on record, … [Read more...]
A Call for Accurate Language about CO2 in the AGW Discussion
In an otherwise fine article at, Ari Halperin writes: For some time, the subject [of the residence time of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere] was surrounded by confusion, created by sloppy definitions and evasive statements in IPCC assessment reports. There was a mix-up between the residence time of a CO2 molecule in the atmosphere and the rate of change of the surplus CO2 concentration. The residence time (~5 years) is of little interest, except as an … [Read more...]