Climatologist Dr. David Legates’s response to the letter from “evangelical scientists and academics” urging Congress to immediate action to fight global warming by reducing fossil fuel use points out some of its factual inaccuracies and the harms that would be done by acting on its advice. It’s also interesting to look at the letter as an example of misleading policy-related communications. One would naturally expect that a letter addressing climate change and starting with “As … [Read more...]
Does Caring for “the Least of These” Demand Fighting Global Warming?
Recently, my fellow evangelical scientists and academics sent a letter to the United States Congress urging immediate legislation on climate change. In an effort to care for the planet—God’s second greatest gift to humanity—they argue that our uncontrolled use of fossil fuels will disproportionately affect the poor, the vulnerable, and the oppressed. I applaud their concern for the environment and for those in defense of whom Jesus commanded us to be especially diligent. But their call to … [Read more...]
Four Bombshells in Next IPCC Report Undermine the Case for CAGW
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) boldly declared in its Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) in 2007, “Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures [GAT] since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas [GHG] concentrations.” That conclusion rested in no small measure on another conclusion: variations in the Sun’s activity had little impact on global average temperature. On the basis of those two … [Read more...]
The Climate Skeptic Who Wasn’t
You might have read in the last month that America is dying amid severe drought and unprecedented heat, and the world will flood from Greenland’s repeated bouts of “unprecedented” melting ice. As Mark Twain said, “If you do not read the newspaper you’re uninformed. If you do read the newspaper you’re misinformed.” Such is the case with these stories. In October 2011 Richard Muller announced in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that, based on preliminary measurements from Berkley Earth … [Read more...]
Climate Change: Who Speaks for You?
If you believe global warming is cyclical and mostly natural; human contribution is minor and not dangerous; and attempting to prevent human influence by cuts in carbon-dioxide emissions would cost trillions of dollars, trap billions of people in developing countries in poverty, and so do more harm than good … … then you need to know something and be prepared to act: President Barack Obama has said that “the most important policy he could address in his second term is climate change.” … [Read more...]
“Climate Scientists” and Mainstream Media Team Up Again to Incite Groundless Fears
The mainstream media and global warming alarmists are at it again—confusing weather with climate, appealing to “tipping points,” doing their best to scare the public into the kind of panic that would let politicians commit us to budget-busting, economy-crippling, liberty-destroying policies to fight it. Last week CNN breathlessly reported, “More record warmth as scientists warn of global tipping point.” The article began: It's hot out there. But this time, it's more than idle watercooler talk, … [Read more...]
Recommended Readings on the Global Warming Debate
From time to time the Cornwall Alliance receives requests for recommended readings on the debate over catastrophic, anthropogenic global warming (CAGW). Although it takes considerable time, we always send personal replies to such requests, believing that’s one of the ways we can serve people. If you’re a Cornwall Alliance supporter, this is part of what your donations make possible. If you’re not, we hope you’ll consider becoming one. But it also makes sense to make such recommendations … [Read more...]
Excessive Regulation Can Be Fatal—Why EPA’s Raft of New Regulations Should Be Delayed or Dumped
In just about the last month, the Obama Administration has delayed new EPA regulations on ozone and greenhouse gas emissions, and the House of Representatives voted to delay more EPA regulations. Americans should cheer all three developments. Why? Because the decisions will save lives. First an illustration—then the facts. About a decade ago my medical exam revealed moderately elevated cholesterol and blood pressure. My doctor, not surprisingly, immediately and sternly advised … [Read more...]
Climate Policy: Theological, Scientific, and Economic Considerations
A Panel Presentation to the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change Download the full presentation (PDF). I’m grateful to James Taylor, Joe Bast, and the Heartland Institute for asking me to speak. My remarks today in part abridge, condense, and supplement what the Cornwall Alliance has said in a 76-page interdisciplinary research paper we published last December, A Renewed Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor: An Evangelical Examination of the Theology, Science, and … [Read more...]
The REAL Climate Change Deniers
Who could ever be foolish enough to deny that climate changes? Who, that is, except those nutty people who insist that "climate change" is a recent phenomenon and therefore must be man-made and dangerous? They're the real "deniers," not those who insist that climate has always changed and that the recent changes are not unprecedented and therefore need no explanation other than the continuation of things as usual. Image courtesy of Evgeni Dinev / … [Read more...]