Some BackgroundI will admit that the legal profession mystifies me. Every time I say anything related to environmental law, one or more lawyers will correct me. But I suppose “turnabout is fair play”, since I will usually correct any lawyers about their details describing climate change science.Lawyers aren’t like us normal people. Their brains work differently. I first suspected this when one of my daughters took the LSAT and gave me examples of questions, most of which my brain was not wired … [Read more...]
Reasons Why Regulating CO2 Emissions Needs to be Reconsidered
March 7, the Washington Post reported the EPA Administrator is considering recommending to the White House that the EPA’s 2009 CO2 Endangerment Finding be rescinded. Let’s look at a few of the reasons why this might be a good thing to consider.The ScienceThe science of human-caused climate change is much more uncertain that you have been led to believe. The globally-averaged surface temperature of Earth seems to have warmed by 1 deg. C or so in the last century. The magnitude of the warming … [Read more...]
Does Government Really Need to Regulate Everything?
In high school and college, I competed in debate tournaments across the state and country. I clearly remember many occasions when a debate team’s plan would include abolishing some government program. Inevitably, the opponents would ask, “What will you replace it with?” Only once did I hear any debater respond with, “Nothing at all. Government shouldn’t be doing that at all.” Everyone in the room was stunned, and that team lost. Even today, most people find it hard to imagine abolishing … [Read more...]
Time for the Clean Power Plan to Go, Endangerment Finding Should Be Next
Even before the ink was dry on former President Barack Obama’s signature mandating the creation of Clean Power Plan (CPP) regulations, state governments and industry were rushing up the courthouse steps to challenge the plan and block its implementation. Despite the fact CPP is just two years old, it has already traveled a long and winding road to its final oblivion (one hopes)! CPP required states to reduce their electric power sector carbon-dioxide emissions by 32 percent below 2005 levels … [Read more...]
Monckton Writes to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt on Clean Power Plan
We're delighted that our friend Viscount Christopher Monckton, one of the leading critics of climate alarmism, allowed us to publish this letter to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, with which we wholeheartedly agree. We encourage citizens to make their own opinions known to Administrator Pruitt. By the way, what comes out of the "smokestacks" in the photo below is not smoke but water vapor (the white condensing steam) and carbon dioxide, not a pollutant but an … [Read more...]
Yes, Virginia, the polar bears are alive and well. Just ask the Inuit.
by William D. Balgord The following report should serve as the coup de gras for demolishing the lame arguments behind the EPA endangerment finding. That watershed policy action relied on a false assumption that the polar bear is, or soon would be, threatened with extinction as a result of rapid climate change (viz., thinning ice in its Arctic habitat) in turn being forced by man-made greenhouse gases. According to a growing list of recent studies and contrary to popular opinion, the polar … [Read more...]
A Potpourri of Interesting Articles
Just been too busy to write much in the way of blog posts lately, but here are some articles I've thought particularly well worth sharing lately: Falling Sea Level: The Critical Factor in 2016 Great Barrier Reef Bleaching! by Jim Steele. "It is puzzling why the recent 2017 publication in Nature, Global Warming And Recurrent Mass Bleaching Of Corals by Hughes et al. ignored the most critical factor affecting the 2016 severe bleaching along the northern Great Barrier Reef – the regional fall … [Read more...]
Exiting the Paris Climate Agreement
Scant evidence of expected benefit means Scott Pruitt is right Washington Times, Monday, April 17, 2017 Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt appeared on “Fox & Friends” April 13 and said, “Paris is something we really need to look at closely, because it’s something we need to exit, in my opinion.” Why? “It’s a bad deal for America. China and India had no obligations under the agreement until 2030, we front-loaded all of our costs, at the expense of … [Read more...]