I've been looking into the subject of wildfires and their alleged connection with climate change. In mid-February I looked at Wikipedia's account of the “Camp Fire” that occurred in November 2018 in Paradise, California. Wikipedia, not known for its even-handedness when it comes to matters political, slips in the possibility of climate-change having played a role in that destructive and deadly fire. It identifies a broken power line owned by Pacific Gas and Electric as the igniter and … [Read more...]
Are Schools and Media to Blame for Children’s Climate-change Neuroses?
The Independent reported March 3 that “a growing number of children are being affected by eco-anxiety—concern about ecological disasters.”Question: Do you suppose there is any connection between what school children are being taught in the classroom and may see on broadcast “news” all over the world—if they take time to pay attention—and their states of mind?Neither a typical school teacher, nor the average news reporter, is sufficiently grounded in the arcane discipline of climate science … [Read more...]
Will Climate Change Destroy Half the World’s Beaches?
According to a claim making the rounds through the media, global “temperature is expected to rise by 2.8° C at the end of this century due to climate change. This … will cause sea levels to rise, causing half of the world’s beaches to disappear.” My current search turned up at least a dozen more references that reconfirm the rampant pack-journalism mentality in today’s media. A quick read of the article below suggests several misinterpretations indulged in by the reporter.1) The only reason for … [Read more...]
Which Is the Greater Threat to San Diego? Climate Change, or Earthquake?
The Los Angeles Times manages to take its usual, circuitous way around to tell us its grim story, but in the end has made my point that natural cataclysmic events like plagues, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms and rare unscheduled visits by a celestial object present a far greater, and over time, a more real and present danger to humankind than any imagined threat from gradual climate change, whether it be caused by human agency or nature. The media should be ashamed of themselves for … [Read more...]
Is Yellowstone Cauldron a Bigger Threat to Human Life than Climate Change?
The intimidating arrogance of some on Wall Street is exceeded only by the loud-mouthed climate alarmists who are misinforming them. That's about the best explanation I can come up with for a claim by JP Morgan economists David Mackie and Jessica Murray in January that Climate change threatens "human life as we know it."The massive ice sheets that define Antarctica and Greenland are going nowhere fast in the near term. That eventuality must await the end of the last great Ice Age. There may well … [Read more...]
Oil Giant Knuckles Under to Climate Alarmists—Needlessly
It's a crying shame that BP, which along with ExxonMobil and other major oil companies once made up the "Seven Sisters," has again let itself be mau-maued to the extent of caving in to demands by the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, and other organizations constituting Big Enviro. It announced in February that it “is leaving the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, a lobby group for the U.S. oil and petrochemicals sector, and the Western States Petroleum Association, the largest … [Read more...]
Are Little Quakes in Western Tennessee Precursors of “The Big One”?
The Raleigh, NC, News and Observer was on the case of “The Big One,” with a story February 4 about a cluster of tiny quakes in far western Tennessee. From the text of Ms. Simore Jasper's story I cannot find a reference to any quake larger than a magnitude 3. It remains a matter of conjecture whether the residents of Dyersburg, TN, actually felt any effects of a 2.7 or were inspired by the power of suggestion. The mentioned 1.3 quake is so weak that it could not “hit” anything at the … [Read more...]
Al Gore Signs Open Letter Supporting Climate Skeptic Scott Pruitt for EPA Administrator
An open letter supporting the nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator organized by The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation has attracted some very famous signers. U.S. Senate Environment & Public Works Committee Chairman Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) introduced the letter into the official record of Pruitt’s confirmation hearing January 18. Probably the highest name recognition worldwide would go to German … [Read more...]