Author Hayden Ludwig will be joining the Cornwall Alliance for our Facebook and YouTube Livestream "From the Stacks" on August 18 at 7:00 pm ET. We will answer questions from the comments live during that hour.Is it pro-life to eliminate the unborn, limit the size of families, or forcibly sterilize the mentally "unfit"? The answer is a solid no—but the same leftists who have supported all of these anti-human policies in the past want to fool you into believing the opposite is true. The scheme is … [Read more...]
Evangelicals aren’t ‘climate deniers’
The popular media claim that evangelical churches are climate deniers. They caricature them as anti-scientific and ignorant.Though many believe this to be a fact, the reality is far from it. Not only are these accusations false, they are illogical. Here is why.What is Climate Denialism?Before deciding on whether a church is a climate denier or not, it is critical to shed light on what it means to be a climate denier.Not long ago, the term “climate denier” was used to define someone who does not … [Read more...]
Why Christianity Is the World’s Most Eco-friendly Philosophy
Environmental problems have become part of our everyday lives. There isn’t a news website homepage that does not highlight news related to our environment, and environmental issues have become central themes of major elections. But we have reached a point where we no longer understand the role of man in the environment around us. What brought us here? Humans and the environment are inseparable. Whether you are a theist or an atheist, you cannot be disconnected from the environment. All of … [Read more...]
Climate Change and the Christian Faith
Professor Katharine Hayhoe spoke on "Climate and Faith in the Public Arena" in her John Stott London Lecture November 16. Like Dr. Hayhoe, I'm a climate scientist; like her, I'm a Christian; like her, I care about my neighbors and want to protect them from harm; and like her, and I'm committed to stewardship of God's wonderful creation. Nonetheless, for these very reasons I cannot help questioning some of what she has said about climate change. In announcing the lecture, A Rocha … [Read more...]
Can Logic Help Us Improve Discussion of Creation Care?
For twenty centuries, Christian thinkers have emphasized the importance of logic. They have recognized logic as one element of God’s very essence. John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” points to that truth. The Greek word there translated “Word,” Logos, has a range of meanings that include logic, account, reason, and argument. (In fact, in John’s day, it rarely denoted a single word.) John 1:1, then, reveals that God is logical—not that He is … [Read more...]
Caring for Creation: A Book of Good Intentions but Poor Science
As an evangelical Christian, I believe we should be good stewards of God’s planet. We should strive to reduce pollution to protect human health and the natural environment. We should explore new alternative energy sources, always seeking to maximize benefits and minimize harms. We should prioritize providing electricity for the 1.2 billion people who don’t have it—and consequently suffer high rates of disease and premature death. For these and many other reasons I applaud Mitch Hescox and … [Read more...]
The Theologization of Global Warming Among American Evangelicals: Who Says Religion and Science Can’t Mix?
[Note: This essay was written in the summer of 2010 at the request of Dr. Patrick Michaels, intended for a book he was editing. His publisher declined to include it in the book because of its religious content. It was never published elsewhere until now. We hope it remains a helpful survey of the history of the debate over global warming among evangelicals up to that time.—ECB, March 11, 2016] Introduction In the last half decade there has been a blossoming of public concern about global … [Read more...]
Immorality Pretending to Virtue
Climate alarm belongs to a class of issues characterized by a claim for which there is no evidence … [and which is] characterized by profound immorality pretending to virtue. Climate Scientist Richard Lindzen At the end of 2015, government leaders will once again gather, this time in Paris, to craft a global treaty that will commit governments to significantly reducing modern civilization’s dependence on fossil-fuel based energy. Billed as an effort to “save the planet” from the scourge of … [Read more...]
Physicist Gordon Fulks discusses the Left’s politicization of science and paganization of religion
Just received this from Gordon J. Fulks (Ph.D., Physics), of the University of Chicago Laboratory for Astrophysics, Mission Research Corporation, Corbett, OR, via email, and he permitted me to publish it here on our blog. It's right on target. Politics has clearly compromised science via billions of dollars going to those scientists willing to play along. Now politicians are targeting traditional religions by drawing in those who are their ideological brothers. It is surprising that the Pope … [Read more...]
World Magazine Exposes Evangelical Environmentalists’ Growing Dependence on Green-Left Funding
Many environmentalists are fond of accusing all critics of their alarms of being in the pocket of industry. World magazine has just turned the tables. In a three-page article, World environment reporter Daniel James Devine reports that evangelical "creation care" organizations like the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN), its daughter organization Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA), and the once-conservative now moderate-to-Left-leaning Christian Coalition receive a major share of … [Read more...]