The recent Christmas season illuminated homes and hearts worldwide, drawing us in to the manger in Bethlehem—a humbling yet radiant scene where divine love entered humanity through the birth of Jesus Christ. "For unto us a child is born," proclaimed Isaiah, speaking of a Savior who would bear the sins of humanity, redeem the broken, and restore the lost (Isaiah 9:6).Many of us see Christ’s coming largely, even entirely, as relevant to our individual personal destinies. But there is more—much … [Read more...]
‘Creation Care’ Means Controlling People, Not the Environment
Author Hayden Ludwig will be joining the Cornwall Alliance for our Facebook and YouTube Livestream "From the Stacks" on August 18 at 7:00 pm ET. We will answer questions from the comments live during that hour.Is it pro-life to eliminate the unborn, limit the size of families, or forcibly sterilize the mentally "unfit"? The answer is a solid no—but the same leftists who have supported all of these anti-human policies in the past want to fool you into believing the opposite is true. The scheme is … [Read more...]