For some seeking attention — or possibly grant money — bad news can never be bad enough without adding a bit of global-warming hysteria.The southwestern United States is undergoing one of its worst droughts in 1,200 years and it is being made worse by man-made climate change. So says a new study released in the journal Science. According to authors from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and other esteemed institutions, including Columbia University, the 19-year period (2000 to 2018) is … [Read more...]
Anti-Science Attitude and Media Lies: Your Blinded Climate Friend
Climate change is divisive. While most conservatives tend to be skeptical of the dangers of climate change, most liberals tend to exaggerate them. Within the scientific community too, a plethora of scientists believe the current change in climate is not unprecedented. Their opinion stands in stark contrast to opinions held by scientists who head the climate policy making bodies at the United Nations. Friends are no exception. Recently, a friend told me that climate change's impact is very … [Read more...]