During the Easter weekend, London Mayor Sadiq Khan made a surprise plea to climate protestors. He asked them to end their protests, which he said caused disorder problem in the world’s iconic city.It is not common for a pro-alarmist leader to call for an end to a climate protest. Are more diplomats and leaders waking up to the insanity of climate protests across the globe? Will we see more politicians and celebrities expose the rampant hypocrisy in the climate alarmist movement?Climate … [Read more...]
Christian Faith is Alive and Well in the United Kingdom
Vibrant Christian faith is alive and well in the United Kingdom, as Cornwall Alliance’s Dr. E. Calvin Beisner experienced when he spoke on climate change, energy policy, and Christian faith last night (December 14) at Watchorn Methodist Church in Alfreton, Derbyshire, England. Dr. Beisner was the guest of Answers in Genesis–UK, which hosted the event in conjunction with Rev. John Peters, pastor of Watchorn Church. Alerted to the rare opportunity to hear a view about climate change that differs … [Read more...]