(June 26, 2012, Washington, D.C.)—More than 100 leading evangelical scientists, economists, theologians, and pastors endorsed a formal comment sent Monday by The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) opposing its intent to put restrictions on carbon-dioxide emissions from electric power plants.The comment to EPA was in stark contrast to an effort by the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN) to portray evangelicals as … [Read more...]
Are Mercury Emissions as Evil as Abortion? Somebody Wants Voters to Think So
Green group’s notion of pro-life comes straight from Alice in Wonderland “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”—Humpty Dumpty How do you turn politicians with 100% pro-abortion voting records into pro-lifers? The old-fashioned way would have been to persuade them that killing babies in their mothers’ wombs violates the God-given, unalienable right to life that governments are instituted among men to protect. But persuasion can be difficult. Not to … [Read more...]
The EPA Delivers “Unwanted Present” For Christmas
The Cornwall Alliance Warns Christians EPA Regulations Do Not Carry a Pro-Life Banner (December 22, Washington, DC)—“Yesterday the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave Americans a lump of coal in their Christmas stockings,” said Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. “The unwanted present? A likely 11.5 percent hike in electricity rates, costing the average household more than $160 extra next year.” The gift came in the form of … [Read more...]
Excessive Regulation Can Be Fatal—Why EPA’s Raft of New Regulations Should Be Delayed or Dumped
In just about the last month, the Obama Administration has delayed new EPA regulations on ozone and greenhouse gas emissions, and the House of Representatives voted to delay more EPA regulations. Americans should cheer all three developments. Why? Because the decisions will save lives. First an illustration—then the facts. About a decade ago my medical exam revealed moderately elevated cholesterol and blood pressure. My doctor, not surprisingly, immediately and sternly advised … [Read more...]
Congress to Vote Today on Prohibiting EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulation
In both last week’s and this week’s Cornwall Alliance Newsletters we informed you that votes were pending in the House and Senate on a variety of bipartisan measures to prohibit, delay, or restrict EPA’s regulation of greenhouse gases. We also published a news advisory on the subject. The House is now scheduled to vote today on H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act, which would prohibit all EPA regulation of greenhouse gases with respect to climate change, though a number of pending … [Read more...]
Bi-Partisan Congressional Measures to Stop EPA Power Grab
Bi-Partisan Congressional Measures to Stop EPA Power Grab on Greenhouse Gas Regulation Could Prevent Energy Prices Increases, Job Losses, and Constitutional Crisis (March 28, 2011, Washington, DC)—The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation is keeping an eye on Sen. Mitch McConnell’s amendment to a small-business technology bill expected to come to a vote this week. The amendment would prohibit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse … [Read more...]
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