Ever wondered if alarmist climate scientists purposely hide uncertainties when they communicate with the media and the public? Wonder no longer. They do. That's the conclusion of Senja Post's "Communicating science in public controversies: Strategic considerations of the German climate scientists," published this month in the journal Public Understanding of Science. Here's the abstract: In public controversies on scientific issues, scientists likely consider the effects of their findings on … [Read more...]
Is Global Warming to Blame for Spread of “Tropical” Diseases?
The New York Times has just published an article claiming that global warming is (partly) to blame for the spread of various "tropical" diseases to the U.S. and other areas where previously they had been eradicated or had never existed. Donald G. McNeil Jr. begins his article titled "U.S. Becomes More Vulnerable to Tropical Diseases Like Zika" thus: Tropical diseases---some of them never before seen in the United States---are marching northward as climate change lets mosquitoes and ticks expand … [Read more...]
If Only EPA Would Tilt at Windmills!
EPA last August released a new rule requiring America's natural gas drilling industry to reduce methane emissions by 40% to 45% in ten years. EPA's own estimate at global warming to be prevented? An undetectable 0.002 degree Celsius. The Wall Street Journal rightly opined: The rule will ... do immediate harm to a drilling industry that is already under pressure from falling global energy prices. The shale gas revolution has created hundreds of thousands of jobs, reduced costs for U.S. … [Read more...]
Responding to Risks of Climate Change—and to Risks of Responding to Climate Change
Judith Curry delivers a (typically) very thoughtful analysis of one attempt to push people into applying the "Precautionary Principle" so as to embrace major policy initiatives to mitigate "climate change" to avoid its risks. I'll not try to summarize here other than to say she shows clearly that the arguments fail. Read her post here. Featured image courtesy of Got Credit, Creative Commons. … [Read more...]
Never Underestimate Your Opponent—Coming to Grips with the Paris Climate Agreement
Master Sun [Tzu] talks often about deception and therefore warns against being deceived by the enemy and underestimating their ability. ‘He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them.’ It’s important to properly assess your opponent without prejudice or assumption. Many skeptics of catastrophic, anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) and therefore opponents of a legally binding treaty to limit carbon dioxide emissions to fight it, including me, … [Read more...]
What Is “the Wisdom from Above”?
Last week I posted a blog piece answering the objections of one Christian college faculty member, a theology professor, to our Open Letter on Climate Change to the People, their Local Representatives, the State Legislatures and Governors, the Congress, and the President of the United States of America because he thought the world’s poor would be hard hit by manmade global warming. Another negative response came from a professor in the physics and engineering department of a different Christian … [Read more...]
How NOAA Lies with Global Warming Statistics
A subscriber to Cornwall Alliance’s e-newsletter recently wrote asking us if we have replies to the various graphs at “Climate Change: Global Temperature,” on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Climate.gov web page. Oh my goodness the misrepresentations of facts in those graphs are awful! Preparing refutations/analyses of all the graphs there would be a very long and complex project for which I simply cannot take time. But let’s take this one—probably the most … [Read more...]
Climate Scientists are Steadily Reducing Estimates of Warming from CO2
Among climate scientists specializing in climate sensitivity there is a clear trend toward lower and lower estimates of it, as the chart below shows. Why? Because the empirical measurements of GAT have fallen so much lower than model-generated predictions. In the chart, the dates are dates of publication (bottom axis) of peer-reviewed studies making estimates of climate sensitivity measured in degrees Celsius (left axis). ECS denotes “equilibrium climate sensitivity,” warming predicted in … [Read more...]
Low Climate Sensitivity Makes Fighting Global Warming Unwise
To achieve the IPCC’s 3˚ “best estimate” of warming from doubled CO2 since the Industrial Revolution by the end of this century, GAT would have to rise another 2.593˚ in the remaining 63.5 years, a rate of 0.41˚ per decade, which is 3.7 times as fast as the observed rate so far. To achieve the 2˚ lower bound claimed for over 20 years, GAT would have to rise two-and-a-quarter times as fast as the observed rate. Even to reach the 1.5˚ the IPCC now claims is the lower bound, GAT would have to rise … [Read more...]
Reasons to Sign An Open Letter on Climate Change to the American People and their Leaders: An Appeal to Christian Academics
Four-part Series: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4 Burke, VA, November 18, 2015 Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—Friend of sinners, Friend of the poor. We’re writing to ask you to join us in doing something that will take courage, so we want you to be well informed, first about who we are, and second about the subject on which we’re asking you to take a stand. Along with nearly 400 others—including many climate scientists, physicists, mathematicians, economists … [Read more...]
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