For 20 years or more, dire warnings about global warming and “climate change” have taken the mass media of entertainment by storm. Every few years, climate change doomsayers have claimed that the world only has 12 years to turn the tide. They said practically the same thing 12 and 15 years ago; however, that they’re saying this year!Many news stories, many news programs and many movies, including many documentaries, have sounded the alarm about global warming and climate change, such as Al … [Read more...]
Gregory Wrightstone debates about climate change at Cornell University
Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow and Contributing Writer Gregory Wrightstone, author of Inconvenient Facts: The science that Al Gore doesn't want you to know, debated climate change at Cornell University November 13. The event was lively and respectful, with encouraging outcomes. Here is Greg's report:On November 13, I had a unique opportunity to debate Dr. Charles Greene, Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and a Fellow at the David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future at Cornell … [Read more...]
Fox News Quotes Cornwall Scholars against “Five most over-the-top climate warnings”
Maxim Lott at Fox News lists 5 "most over-the-top climate warnings," and in discussing them he quotes two Cornwall Alliance network scholars.The five warnings---all bogus---are that:Warming causes declining human birth rates (Morning Consult).We have "12 years left to live" because of it (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez---and lots of her acolytes in and out of Congress).Warming causes more tornadoes (Ocasio-Cortez, Al Gore, and others).Warming causes Indian tigers to eat more people (website "The … [Read more...]
Is Apple Censoring Gregory Wrightstone’s Climate-Change App? Join the Discussion!
Dear Friends,We love to hear from you! Whether by email, phone, or good old-fashioned letter, we’re always interested in what you think.In fact, last week I received a letter from a supporter—a World War II hero—that was so good we posted it on our blog—you can read it by clicking here.And a couple of weeks ago we launched a new way to hear from you: periodic conference phone calls. We did two then, and on March 21, at 1:00 pm Eastern Time, we’ll do another. We’d love to have you join us.If you … [Read more...]
Silencing Science the Facebook Way
Those who back the notion of man-made catastrophic warming don’t just support it as one would other technical or scientific ideas. Instead, they embrace the idea with the fervency of a religious zealot and brook no thought, science, or fact that may in any way call into question the premise of a planet spiraling into one climate apocalypse after another due to our “sins of emission.” The facts of a concerted effort to silence contrarian climate reporting became crystal clear to me soon after … [Read more...]
Antifa Protesters Disrupt Cornwall Alliance Speaker at Eagle Council Meeting
What do you do if you're a climate activist and a geoscientist speaks at a meeting near you offering scientific evidence against your point of view? Well, of course---you do what any rational person would do. You attend and listen carefully and weigh the arguments and consider whether you should change your views. Maybe you ask some questions during the Q&A at the end of the talk, challenging some of his evidence or reasoning. Maybe, if you're really confident of your views, you contact the … [Read more...]
Cornwall Contributing Writer Gregory Wrightstone featured on CBN News!
CBN News’s Gary Lane interviewed Cornwall Alliance Contributing Writer Gregory Wrightstone about climate change on Set It Straight yesterday. The interview is exciting and enlightening! Wrightstone, a geologist and author of Inconvenient Facts: The Science Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know, brings reality to the climate-change discussion. He cites fact after fact that contradicts claims of dangerous manmade global warming and explaining why President Trump and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt … [Read more...]