Mark Steyn (l) and Michael Mann (r), adapted from Wikipedia, licensed under CC BY 2.0 and CC BY-SA 4.0.The public perception is that Dr. Michael Mann has become the standard bearer of climate change. After all, he invented the climate hockey stick idea, which has been relentlessly seared into the public’s consciousness by a complicit lamestream media. In effect, his graph has arguably been the premier example of real Science having been taken over by political science. It appears that this has … [Read more...]
A Potpourri of Interesting Articles
Just been too busy to write much in the way of blog posts lately, but here are some articles I've thought particularly well worth sharing lately: Falling Sea Level: The Critical Factor in 2016 Great Barrier Reef Bleaching! by Jim Steele. "It is puzzling why the recent 2017 publication in Nature, Global Warming And Recurrent Mass Bleaching Of Corals by Hughes et al. ignored the most critical factor affecting the 2016 severe bleaching along the northern Great Barrier Reef – the regional fall … [Read more...]