In the last few weeks various media have reported that Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR), the world's largest coral reef system, is experiencing a "sixth mass bleaching" that threatens lasting devastation. NPR, CNN, and The Guardian, with many others, all told essentially the same story.But actual experts on the GBR challenge the narrative.In Quadrant Online marine biologist and reef specialist Leonard Starck writes:Contrary to the incessant bleating of office-based Great Barrier Reef … [Read more...]
What Happens to Professors who Dare Question Climate Orthodoxy?
Well, sometimes they're told to shut up. And if they don't, sometimes they get fired. And after that, sometimes they get told to shut up about being fired. That's the gist of what's happened to Dr. Peter Ridd, ex-professor of marine science at James Cook University in Australia. Ridd had the temerity to point out, in a chapter for the book Climate Change: The Facts 2017, that studies on which the claim that rising atmospheric CO2 concentration---blamed also for catastrophic anthropogenic global … [Read more...]