This is the fifth in a series by Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Roy W. Spencer, Ph.D. (Meteorology), Principal Research Scientist, University of Alabama at Huntsville, exposing media bias in reporting about climate change. This first appeared as part of a longer article by Dr. Spencer on his blog.This is one of my favorites.As part of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, Bill Nye produced a Climate 101 video of an experiment where two glass jars with thermometers in them were … [Read more...]
BBC Caught Promoting – and Hiding – Bias on Climate
Less than a month ago respected climatologist Dr. Judith Curry took the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to task for intentionally manufacturing a “consensus” on global warming—a no-no in scientific practice. Last week the world learned that the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) manufactured its own consensus on global warming—and used it to justify biased coverage of climate science. In 2006, the BBC convened a panel of “scientific experts” to advise it on climate change. But … [Read more...]