Mark Steyn (l) and Michael Mann (r), adapted from Wikipedia, licensed under CC BY 2.0 and CC BY-SA 4.0.The public perception is that Dr. Michael Mann has become the standard bearer of climate change. After all, he invented the climate hockey stick idea, which has been relentlessly seared into the public’s consciousness by a complicit lamestream media. In effect, his graph has arguably been the premier example of real Science having been taken over by political science. It appears that this has … [Read more...]
Scientific Code of Values: Do Climate Alarmists Measure Up?
A few days ago I began reading Harold J. Berman's Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition (1983). It's a scholarly tour de force covering an amazing range of subjects in law, history, theology, ecclesiology, and even the rise of science (particularly how Christian thought generated that).These paragraphs, from pages 155--6 and 157--8, particularly caught my attention:Although science, in the modern Western sense, has usually been defined only in methodological terms, … [Read more...]
Oil Giant Knuckles Under to Climate Alarmists—Needlessly
It's a crying shame that BP, which along with ExxonMobil and other major oil companies once made up the "Seven Sisters," has again let itself be mau-maued to the extent of caving in to demands by the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, and other organizations constituting Big Enviro. It announced in February that it “is leaving the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, a lobby group for the U.S. oil and petrochemicals sector, and the Western States Petroleum Association, the largest … [Read more...]
Les Misérables of Climate Drama
In the world-famous drama based on Victor Hugo's novel Les Misérables, Jean Valjean is released on parole from the Bagne of Toulon after serving nineteen years for stealing a loaf of bread. Yes, for stealing a loaf of bread! A jail term of 19 years seems like an excessive punishment for a piece of bread. It does invoke anger and sadness in many as they first see the play. But what about real-world situations that are more miserable? Imagine if whole countries are branded as evil and … [Read more...]
Cornwall’s Dr. Roy Spencer Tells Tucker Carlson: Climate Change Is Not Causing More Hurricanes
Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation Senior Fellow Dr. Roy W. Spencer set the record straight about hurricanes Friday night on Tucker Carlson's Fox News talk show. One of Dr. Spencer's main points in the interview was, as his graph (at right) showed, that the number of intense hurricanes making landfall in the United States has decreased by 50 percent since the 1930's and 1940's. That's contrary to the expectations of global warming alarmists like Al Gore and Michael Mann, who, … [Read more...]
The Great Winter of 2017-2018 and the Hypocrisy of Climate Alarmists
As record lows gripped many parts of the U.S. and Canada, the global warming elitists scrambled to announce to the world that climate change was the driving force behind the freezing weather. Inevitably, their claims have exposed the hypocrisy of the global warming cult that has instilled fear among the public. Temperatures in many parts of the Atlantic U.S. went down drastically last week. Canada was not an exception, with record lows registered in many provinces since November last … [Read more...]
President’s Tweet Trumps Gore’s on Climate Change
In Florida over the holidays, President Trump tweeted, “In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!” Al Gore—the leading global warming propagandist—fearing a collapse of his warming hypothesis, tweeted that the recent record lows are due to global warming. That drew biting derision from real … [Read more...]
A Potpourri of Interesting Articles
Just been too busy to write much in the way of blog posts lately, but here are some articles I've thought particularly well worth sharing lately: Falling Sea Level: The Critical Factor in 2016 Great Barrier Reef Bleaching! by Jim Steele. "It is puzzling why the recent 2017 publication in Nature, Global Warming And Recurrent Mass Bleaching Of Corals by Hughes et al. ignored the most critical factor affecting the 2016 severe bleaching along the northern Great Barrier Reef – the regional fall … [Read more...]