President Trump should present the Paris Climate Accord to the Senate as a treaty---where it would crash and burn, never to suck the blood out of Americans again.Illustration by OpenAI/ChatGPT.Fragile, but off to a good start.That’s my assessment of President Donald J. Trump’s initial actions regarding environment, climate change, and energy.On the first day of his return to the White House, President Trump signed nine executive orders related to the environment, climate change, and energy.He … [Read more...]
Was Exiting Paris Wise or Unwise?
Was it wise for President Donald Trump to pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement? The President offered mostly economic reasons for his decision. Although they’re important, it’s also important to know whether there’s good scientific basis. As some critics reason, “So what if the economy booms? What if the earth dies?”So here’s a 15-point summary of relevant facts, mostly scientific but some economic: 1. Global average temperature has risen and fallen cyclically, driven by … [Read more...]