In what appears to be a never-ending string of ineffective efforts to force the public to use expensive, unreliable, intermittent, and not-widely-deployable renewable energy, the Biden Administration is issuing an executive order that (among other things) directs federal agencies to end fossil fuel subsidies.Personally, I would not mind if all federal subsidies were ended, since all that subsidies do is put the government, rather than the consumer, in charge of what you spend your … [Read more...]
Send the Paris Climate Treaty to the Senate
Article II, Section 2 of the US Constitution is simple and direct: “The President ... shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.” It served America well for 225 years. Then, in 2015, the UN’s “international community” of climate activists gathered in Paris to hammer out language requiring that developed nations slash their fossil fuel use, tighten greenhouse gas emission targets every five years, … [Read more...]
Must We Always Have Paris? How Trump Can Spoil Biden’s Climate Dream
On September 3, 2016, then-President Barack Obama engaged the United States in the Paris climate agreement.He called it the “most ambitious climate change agreement in history.”That means Obama considered it more ambitious than the Framework Convention on Climate Change—a treaty the Senate approved October 7, 1992.It means he considered it more ambitious than the Kyoto Protocol, American engagement in which the Senate killed with S.Res.98, passed by a roll-call vote of 95-0 on July 25, 1997.That … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Restrictive Climate Policies: Asian Giants Set the Example
With each passing year, nations are becoming sensitive to the fact that climate change is not as dangerous as it was believed to be.Crop yields continue to increase, life expectancy rates have gone up dramatically, and more importantly the temperature levels failed to follow the lead of carbon dioxide emissions.As a result, and the responsibility to meet growing domestic energy demands, countries are finding new ways to bypass the climate pressure from international … [Read more...]
Is Failure to Fight Climate Change Really Suicidal?
This is the third in a series of answers to a common, popular defense of drastic measures to combat manmade global warming. For the first, click here, and for the second, click here. The third and fourth points “Bob” made were these: “For most people, I think this would be a no-brainer issue if it weren’t politicized. But if the above two points are true, your political party affiliation doesn’t matter. Desiring to see the world less polluted is non-partisan. Practically, if there is ANY … [Read more...]
Strange Agreements and Stranger Taxes: The United Nations’ Climate Drama
When I first watched Stranger Things (a Netflix original) in 2016, I thought the story writer was really talented and the show lived up to its name. But a real-world storyline is even stranger: the climate policies recommended to us by the UnitedNations. Despite its many scientific and structural failings, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the world’s most influential, though not the most credible, source of policy on climate change. No other political or … [Read more...]
FINALLY! Climate Propaganda May Be Reaching A Tipping Point
Has the climate propaganda reached a point where radical climatism is leading us into dangerous negligence? The severe winter in the northern hemisphere has been widely recorded. However, key climate information providers have altered data. The result — intended or not — has been to make the recent record lows of the winter appear normal. November 2017 marked the onset of a very cold winter across the Northern Hemisphere. Many parts of North America and Eurasia registered record lows, … [Read more...]
Has Scott Pruitt Brought Armageddon to the EPA?
According to two former Administrators, current federal Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has set the agency back by anything from several years to as much as three decades due to “regulatory rollbacks, mass attrition and budget cuts.” That sounds ominous. It isn’t. At present EPA is operating under FY2017 funding levels. While projected FY2018 funding cuts will be substantial, they have not yet taken place. The FY2018 budget’s 28% reduction for the Superfund program … [Read more...]
Trump Departs from Mainstream Climate Alarmism in SOTU, Speaks on ‘Beautiful’ Coal
In his State of the Union address, American President Donald Trump steered clear of explicit reference to climate change, but to the dismay of climate doomsday propagandists, he declared coal “beautiful and clean.” What does this mean for America and the developing nations, whose fossil fuel-based energy infrastructures, and hence their economies, face the threat of a forced conversion to renewables in the name of combating global warming? Trump’s marked departure from mainstream climate … [Read more...]
Killing The Paris Agreement Is Not Enough
This is a great article from Tom Harris in the Daily Caller. We at the Cornwall Alliance strongly commend it to you, and hope you will read it and help spread the word that "killing the Paris Agreement is not enough"! If President Donald Trump merely pulls the United States out of the Paris Agreement on climate change, it will be like cutting the head off a dandelion. It will look good for a while until equally bad agreements quickly grow back when a Democrat occupies the White House again. … [Read more...]