Author Hayden Ludwig will be joining the Cornwall Alliance for our Facebook and YouTube Livestream "From the Stacks" on August 18 at 7:00 pm ET. We will answer questions from the comments live during that hour.Is it pro-life to eliminate the unborn, limit the size of families, or forcibly sterilize the mentally "unfit"? The answer is a solid no—but the same leftists who have supported all of these anti-human policies in the past want to fool you into believing the opposite is true. The scheme is … [Read more...]
The trouble with the political push for climate change activism
The lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, as the old song goes, have shoved their way into the fall. And with them, the political push for climate change activism chucked kids out of the classroom and into the streets this past Friday (not that they needed a reason to cut class, especially in nice weather). Not to be outdone by the shouting students, this past Monday, adults from around the globe with their own dreams of climate utopia (and excuse to cut work and party in a fab city), descended … [Read more...]
Does Fighting Global Warming Help or Hurt the Poor?
Want to "bring nothing but misery to poor people, especially in the developing world"? Simple: Just follow the advice of the international cabal of UN leaders and their organizations calling for drastic action to fight global warming. The harangue is familiar everywhere by now: Global warming will harm everybody, but it'll harm the poor most of all. Curbing it will help everybody, but it'll help the poor most of all. Is that true? Not according to Dr. Mikko Paunio, an expert on public health … [Read more...]
Cracks in the Empire’s Armor Appear
Yesterday brought widespread news coverage of a new “study” published in Nature Geoscience which concludes that global warming has not been progressing as fast as expected, and that climate models might be a “little bit” wrong. (That the “little bit” is a factor of 2 or 3 is a fine point upon which we won’t quibble here.) I’m still trying to process my feelings about how the two authors, Myles Allen and Michael Grubb, might have been allowed to wander so far off the Empire’s (UN IPCC’s) … [Read more...]
How to Prevent Climate Change? Prevent Births!
For 218 years---since Thomas Robert Malthus published the first edition of his Essay on the Principle of Population---people have been coming up with new rationales for limiting or even reducing human population. For Malthus, the fundamental reason is that people ate too much, so increasing their numbers would lead to starvation as farmers' ability to raise enough food fell behind a mushrooming population. Others since then have expanded his argument to all kinds of other resources---forests, … [Read more...]
“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”—Yogi Berra
In his 1968 book The Population Bomb Paul Ehrlich predicted mass famines in America and lots of other countries around the world before 1980, and that we would run out of lots of minerals by then, too. His predictions turned out false. He remains the idol of environmentalists worldwide. In 2007 Al Gore predicted, "“The North Polar ice cap ... could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now.” That would have been 2014. In 2011, he said, “the entire North … [Read more...]
Total Takedown on Paul Ehrlich and Fears of Overpopulation
Stunning that the reliably liberal and alarmist NYT runs an article, "The Unrealized Horrors of Population Explosion," with equally stunning video demonstrating that Paul Ehrlich, author of the uber-alarmist The Population Bomb (1968), was totally, totally wrong. The full case for Ehrlich's idiocy on the economics of demography is far, far stronger than the article and video show, but even so, they're a total take-down of Ehrlich. Why ANYONE has ever considered Ehrlich even simply a … [Read more...]
Arm Yourself and Your Friends Against the Fatal Cult of Anti-Humanism!
“In the event that I were reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”—Prince Philip of England, patron of the World Wildlife Fund, environmentalist “World population must be stabilized, and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.”—Jacques Cousteau, famous oceanographer, producer of The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau, environmentalist “A total population of 250–300 million people, a 95% decline from present … [Read more...]
Dominion and Stewardship: Believers and the Environment
“Man is created to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save his soul. The other things on the face of the earth are created for man to help him in attaining the end for which he is created. Hence, man is to make use of them in as far as they help him in the attainment of his end.” St. Ignatius of Loyola A welcome development of the past thirty years has been the emergence of less-utilitarian attitudes towards the environment by believers and non-believers alike. No … [Read more...]