Every year on March 25 the Cornwall Alliance hosts a Day of Prayer for the Environment and the Poor. This year, with the Coronavirus bringing suffering to millions all over the world, we really need to pray. Here are some broad, general ideas to guide you.First, begin with praise and thanksgiving to God forHis wisdom, power, and love displayed in all of creation;His faithfully preserving all of creation;His just judgments in creation for man’s sin;His plan to reconcile … [Read more...]
Cornwall Alliance Guide to Prayer for the Environment and the Poor
Thank you for participating in the Cornwall Alliance’s Day of Prayer for the Environment and the Poor! Throughout March 1-25, we will share many specific prayer requests for the environment and the poor. Here, however, are some broad, general ideas to guide you in prayer: First, begin with praise and thanksgiving to God for His wisdom, power, and love displayed in all of creation; His faithfully preserving all of creation; His just judgments in creation for man’s sin; His plan to … [Read more...]