Honest, evidence-based climate models could avoid trillions of dollars in policy blunders.by Paul Driessen and David LegatesPresident Trump and his Coronavirus Task Force presented some frightening numbers during their March 31 White House briefing. Based on now 2-week-old data and models, as many as 100,000 Americans at the models’ low end, to 2.2 million at their high end, could die from the fast-spreading virus, they said. However, the President, Vice President Pence, and Drs. Anthony … [Read more...]
Brett Kavanaugh—A Strong Choice for the Supreme Court
Tuesday night President Donald Trump announced that Brett Kavanaugh was his choice for his second appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. This choice was met with wailing and gnashing of teeth by left-leaning pundits and activists claiming this would be the end of a woman's "choice" to kill her pre-born baby. It is worth noting this racket would be made by the choice of anyone on President Trump's list. It was, after all, one of his campaign promises to appoint … [Read more...]
Trump Departs from Mainstream Climate Alarmism in SOTU, Speaks on ‘Beautiful’ Coal
In his State of the Union address, American President Donald Trump steered clear of explicit reference to climate change, but to the dismay of climate doomsday propagandists, he declared coal “beautiful and clean.” What does this mean for America and the developing nations, whose fossil fuel-based energy infrastructures, and hence their economies, face the threat of a forced conversion to renewables in the name of combating global warming? Trump’s marked departure from mainstream climate … [Read more...]
Should America Subsidize the Coal Industry?
For the record: The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation opposes all subsidies---corporate and individual, at federal, state, and local levels, regardless of their rationale. Not even national security justifies subsidies. If the nation needs bombers or computers or fuel for its security, let it buy them, plain and simple. But let it not say, "We're going to subsidize this industry because its health is important to national security." No, its health isn't important to national … [Read more...]
The Trump Effect: India’s Climate Juxtapose
The leader of the world's largest democracy met with President Trump this week. Prime Minister Narendra Modi became the first state guest to be hosted for a dinner with President Trump at the White House. Largely ignored by mainstream media, this state visit was of profound significance to the future of a billion people in India. For Modi, the change of guard at the White House could only have meant a renewal of hope for his country's ambitious energy goals. His correspondence with the … [Read more...]
You’re “Still In”? Too Bad for You. We’re Out
Pure symbolism. That's what "We Are Still In" really is. "We Are Still In" is the petulant response of 9 states, 8 Blue (CA, CT, HI, NY, OR, RI, VA, WA) and 1 Red (NC), out of 50, 202 cities and counties (mostly in Blue states) out of 3,144 (cities, counties, and county equivalents), 308 institutions of higher learning out of 4,140, and 1,530 "businesses and investors" out of 18.2 million businesses and about 160 million owners of stocks to President Trump's … [Read more...]
Do America’s Science Teachers and Students Need a Ministry of Truth?
Four liberal Democratic Senators---Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Elizabeth Warren (MA), Brian Schatz (HI), and Edward Markey (MA)---are upset because Education Secretary Betsy DeVos called President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement an "example of his commitment to rolling back the unrealistic and overreaching regulatory actions by the previous Administration." Thank heavens! These gallant Senators, painstakingly working to protect the American people, have taken … [Read more...]
MIT Scientists Vie for Influence with the White House
Cornwall Alliance Contributing Writer Charles Clough---a veteran meteorologist as well as a theologian, pastor, and graduate of MIT---supports a call by MIT Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Science Richard Lindzen for the U.S. to leave the U.N Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris climate agreement, and explains why a group of MIT professors who oppose Lindzen are wrong. Here's the intro: During his candidacy Donald Trump said he would withdraw the United States from the Paris … [Read more...]
Why the U.S. Should Clexit and Pexit—Exit UNFCCC and Paris Climate Treaty
As a candidate Donald Trump promised to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate treaty/aka agreement if elected President. Now he's reported to be wavering. The Wall Street Journal editorial team gives him good reasons not only to Pexit (exit Paris) but also to Clexit (exit the whole international climate negotiation institution, the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change---FCCC). Here's the gist: Damage from remaining in the Paris treaty (which President Barack Obama treated as an … [Read more...]