You’d think so, if you observed the reactions by the climate-change establishment to President Donald Trump’s appointment, back in September, of Will Happer as Senior Director for Emerging Technologies on the National Security Council (NSC), and the prospect of Trump’s forming a Presidential Committee on Climate Security, headed by Happer, under the NSC, to bring the evidence for and against dangerous manmade global warming to the table for review.First example: EcoWatch “reported,” “The White … [Read more...]
Taking Politics Out of Climate Science
[Excerpted from the Washington Times] A red team, blue team match would test the assumptions of man-made global warming. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Scott Pruitt wants to adopt a red team, blue team approach to weighing the scientific pros and cons about man-made global warming. According to E&E News reporter Emily Holden, “Climate scientists express concern that the ‘red team, blue team’ concept could politicize scientific research” related to global … [Read more...]