A school girl in Sweden was allegedly bullied and branded a “climate denier” by her teachers and peers after she refused to participate in the “climate strike.” Responding to the unfair and abusive treatment of her daughter, the mother of the school girl said, “If you do not hang out on Greta Thunberg and for the climate then you should be singled out and bullied……They should at least be neutral and respect the students who do not want to skip school. There must be different ways we can relate … [Read more...]
The World’s Gone Mad
I have little but respect and admiration for Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swede who has launched a worldwide movement of students on strike from school to protest anthropogenic climate change. I think she's mistaken, and I'm inclined to agree with British climate scientist Piers Corbyn that she's being manipulated, but she seems sincere in her beliefs, and she's acting on them. Lots of adults could take that lesson from her.But, despite her having been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, … [Read more...]