Guest column by Charles RotterFor years, climate scientists have assured us that NOAA's homogenized temperature datasets---particularly the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)---are the gold standard for tracking global warming. But what if the "corrections" applied to these datasets are introducing more noise than the signal? A recent study published in Atmosphere has uncovered shocking inconsistencies in NOAA's adjustments, raising serious concerns about the reliability of homogenized … [Read more...]
Are Global Warmists Fudging Temperature Data?
COP21 in Paris ended with a legally unenforceable but politically dangerous agreement among about 180 countries to reduce their CO2 emissions or slow their growth. Here in the United States Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) stands by his claim that manmade global warming is our greatest security threat, while President Obama treats it as a greater threat than radical Islamic terrorism, a nuclear Iran, a thermonuclear North Korea, and restive Russia and China. The mainstream news media continue to … [Read more...]
How NOAA Lies with Global Warming Statistics
A subscriber to Cornwall Alliance’s e-newsletter recently wrote asking us if we have replies to the various graphs at “Climate Change: Global Temperature,” on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) web page. Oh my goodness the misrepresentations of facts in those graphs are awful! Preparing refutations/analyses of all the graphs there would be a very long and complex project for which I simply cannot take time. But let’s take this one—probably the most … [Read more...]