The following is a guest article by Ella Kietlinska and Joshua PhilippThe United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for sustainable development informs government policies to restrict farming and transform the food systems in different parts of the world, said Alex Newman, an award-winning international journalist who has covered this issue for over a decade.The 2030 Agenda is a plan of action devised by the United Nations (U.N.) to achieve 17 sustainable development goals (SDG). The goals and … [Read more...]
Strange Agreements and Stranger Taxes: The United Nations’ Climate Drama
When I first watched Stranger Things (a Netflix original) in 2016, I thought the story writer was really talented and the show lived up to its name. But a real-world storyline is even stranger: the climate policies recommended to us by the UnitedNations. Despite its many scientific and structural failings, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the world’s most influential, though not the most credible, source of policy on climate change. No other political or … [Read more...]
Green Climate Fund Gets a Slow Start
The $100 billion slush fund---er, Green Climate Fund---created at the COP17 climate summit in Durban, South Africa, is supposed to redistribute money from wealthy developed countries to poor developing countries (or at least to the thugs who run them). Call it a kind of penalty for the developed countries' having overcome poverty before the developing ones, raising atmospheric CO2 concentration along the way, igniting sudden and catastrophic global warming (absent for the last 18 years and 8 … [Read more...]
Life is a Gas
Life is a gas – CO2 (And oxygen of course) But to say that it drives the climate Puts the cart before the horse. What Al Gore said in his lecture Unbacked by observable proof Turned out to be pure conjecture – An inconvenient truth... The ice-core samples from Vostok Plotting temperature change over time Revealed that in fact CO2 change Lags hundreds of years behind. Greenland was green when the Vikings Settled a millennium ago; While Frost Fairs were held on the Thames Six centuries later, … [Read more...]
COP-20 Lima: A Total Failure?
The Lima Climate Conference ended Sunday with what can be seen as a failure for environmental alarmist groups. The 20th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-20) included 11,000 delegates from over 190 countries. This horde descended on Peru for two solid weeks to continue discussions on a climate treaty before the Paris conference next year and only came to a compromise after running 30 hours past the scheduled end time. The goal of COP-20 … [Read more...]
NY Climate Conference? Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!
Read the news. The. World. Is. A. Disaster. But, according to President Obama, “the world’s always been messy … we’re just noticing now in part because of social media.” #what? I guess, since Facebook and Twitter weren’t around, the folks who lived through World War I, World War II, and the Cold War never noticed those messy events. Be that as it may, even with all of the “messes” going on in the world, many leaders are taking a day to catch up in New York City at the UN Climate Summit, … [Read more...]
CFACT – Special Report from Conference in Bali
When the U.N. convened its 13th annual Conference of the Parties (COP) on climate change in steamy Bali in December, it held high expectations that the international community would be united over what course of action should be taken to curb the buildup of greenhouse gases. The event was carefully orchestrated from beginning to end, with an eye toward presenting to the world that a "consensus" had been reached on the need for a second Kyoto Treaty to replace the current one set to expire in … [Read more...]