Carbon dioxide (CO₂) has been predominantly portrayed as the chief culprit driving global warming. For decades, this misconception has guided international policies, prompted ambitious targets for reducing CO2 emissions and driven a shift from reliable and affordable energy resources like coal, oil, and natural gas toward problematic wind and solar sources.However, this theory overlooks important factors that influence Earth's climate system, including a critical variable in the climate system – … [Read more...]
Paper Exposes Pseudoscience Behind Methane War on Farmers
Methane emissions have become a focal point of the climate debate, triggering absurd agricultural regulations negatively affecting farming communities worldwide. Targets for abuse are ruminant animals, including cattle and sheep, that produce methane (CH4) through enteric fermentation – a natural digestive process that converts grass into protein-rich meat and milk for human consumption.Even farmers from my family in India are possible targets of anti-methane assaults on agriculture that have … [Read more...]