The recent Christmas season illuminated homes and hearts worldwide, drawing us in to the manger in Bethlehem—a humbling yet radiant scene where divine love entered humanity through the birth of Jesus Christ. "For unto us a child is born," proclaimed Isaiah, speaking of a Savior who would bear the sins of humanity, redeem the broken, and restore the lost (Isaiah 9:6).Many of us see Christ’s coming largely, even entirely, as relevant to our individual personal destinies. But there is more—much … [Read more...]
Back to Basics: What to Learn from America’s Rash of Sex Scandals
Burke, VA, December 4, 2017—Anyone who’s paid even the slightest attention to national news lately knows that the careers of the rich, the famous, the powerful—politicians, entertainers, newscasters, and more—are crashing and burning amid revelations of sexual harassment and rape. “Shocking as it is, this should be no surprise,” says Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, former seminary ethics professor and now Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. “Unlike … [Read more...]
On Climate and Economic Policy, What do the World’s Poor Need?
Recently the Cornwall Alliance sent to over 2,900 faculty members of Christian colleges and universities around the country an email asking them to consider endorsing our An Open Letter on Climate Change to the People, their Local Representatives, the State Legislatures and Governors, the Congress, and the President of the United States of America. The email had the name of Dr. Roy Spencer, Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow and Principal Research Scientist in Climatology at the University of … [Read more...]
Reasons to Sign An Open Letter on Climate Change to the American People and their Leaders: An Appeal to Christian Academics
Four-part Series: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4 Burke, VA, November 18, 2015 Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—Friend of sinners, Friend of the poor. We’re writing to ask you to join us in doing something that will take courage, so we want you to be well informed, first about who we are, and second about the subject on which we’re asking you to take a stand. Along with nearly 400 others—including many climate scientists, physicists, mathematicians, economists … [Read more...]