Methane emissions have become a focal point of the climate debate, triggering absurd agricultural regulations negatively affecting farming communities worldwide. Targets for abuse are ruminant animals, including cattle and sheep, that produce methane (CH4) through enteric fermentation – a natural digestive process that converts grass into protein-rich meat and milk for human consumption.Even farmers from my family in India are possible targets of anti-methane assaults on agriculture that have … [Read more...]
Daily Caller toes climate alarmist line on Happer resignation
The resignation of Dr. Will Happer, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Princeton and one of America's finest physicists, from the National Security Council (NSC) is an important event. It is a sign of just how difficult it is to overcome the "deep state's" stranglehold on government policy, despite the fact that President Donald Trump is at the helm.Happer was tapped for the NSC with the expectation that he would head a Presidential Council on Climate Security (PCCS), one function of which would … [Read more...]
… until the other comes and examines him.
Has the climate-change controversy reached a milestone? That depends in part on whether President Donald Trump follows through with his desire to appoint a President's Committee on Climate Security (PCCS) under the National Security Council (NSC). The PCCS would be tasked with assessing the pros and cons of various perspectives on climate change---subjecting them to serious scientific testing. That's something climate alarmists haven't wanted done, which is why they've insisted for decades that … [Read more...]
In Climate Science, Start with the Basics: Physics
Last week in I published the article "Did Trump Appoint Jack the Ripper as Guardian of a Girls’ School?" It lampooned, and rebutted, attacks on Princeton physicist Dr. Will Happer and President Donald Trump's intent for him to head a committee on climate security at the National Security Council.That generated lots of comments, mostly favorable, and the unfavorable ones were, mostly, handily refuted by others.One favorable one, though, was was so brilliant I just have to … [Read more...]
Did Trump Appoint Jack the Ripper as Guardian of a Girls’ School?
You’d think so, if you observed the reactions by the climate-change establishment to President Donald Trump’s appointment, back in September, of Will Happer as Senior Director for Emerging Technologies on the National Security Council (NSC), and the prospect of Trump’s forming a Presidential Committee on Climate Security, headed by Happer, under the NSC, to bring the evidence for and against dangerous manmade global warming to the table for review.First example: EcoWatch “reported,” “The White … [Read more...]
Would Einstein be a global warming skeptic?
See here by Will Happer. … [Read more...]
Did Oil Companies Conspire to Hide Their Knowledge about Climate Change?
Everybody knows Big Oil has conspired to hide the fact that it knew decades ago that its product was causing global warming that puts all humanity at risk. Greens have been claiming that since the 1990s. AG's United for Clean Power endorsed the claim and initiated investigations and lawsuits. Except not. For years independent journalist Russell Cook has exposed the errors of the conspiracy claim. Now a federal judge in the ultra-liberal San Francisco circuit has rejected the claim, too. In … [Read more...]
Two Climate Scientists Offer Cases for and against Climate Alarmism
It's fairly unusual to find a balanced presentation of both sides in the global warming debate in any publication, so I'm glad to be able to recommend one. Our good friend Will Happer, whom we interviewed for our documentary video Where the Grass Is Greener: Biblical Stewardship vs. Climate Alarmism, was interviewed by, and the full interview is here. Presenting the opposite perspective was Dr. David Karoly, whose interview is here. At some future time they're supposed to … [Read more...]
Using GPS Satellites to Measure Global Temperature
Interesting new research indicates that ... global temperature over the lower atmosphere — using the series of GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites — can be obtained by accurately by measuring the propagation of radio waves through the atmosphere. The importance of this new method is that a near-complete coverage of the Earth is afforded and that global atmospheric temperature can be determined without requiring any complex satellite inter-calibration. Only the precise atomic clock is … [Read more...]