Dear Father You are beautiful beyond description and the heavens declare Your glory. Though marred by our sin, I am still in awe of earth’s amazing beauty and fascinating creatures. I love to walk with You in the silence of the forest and see finite visible manifestations of Your invisible and infinite attributes. I see Your Life, Your Provisional, Your Powerful, and Your Relational “thumbprints” all around me.
Thank You for making Yourself so well-known. I long for the Day when You will make all things new; bringing everlasting peace and relational restoration to Your world and universe. Thank You for being my Daddy and for knitting me together in my mom’s womb; fearfully and wonderfully made. My frame was not hidden from You when You knit me together in the secret place. Your eyes saw my unformed body and You gave me purpose, security, and significance in all the days ordained for me.
Dad, please forgive me for the times when I have shown no love or empathy for my fellow man and for the times I forget about the poverty, pain, and suffering that those who have no voice are experiencing.
Jesus, today I pray for the unborn children who have no voice and for the people who wish to kill them in the name of convenience, rebellion, and/or embarrassment. For those who are contemplating killing their child, please give them insight and conviction that they would know the tragedy of their would-be action and the power of Divine grace.
Father, for those who have aborted their little ones, come alongside them and shower them with grace and mercy that they may experience hope in the midst of sadness and give them rest in the knowledge that you are there and are a Father of second, third and fourth chances.
For those who are fighting for the right to justify their sin of in utero murder, I pray Lord that You would burst into their lives and demonstrate Your love and justice to them. Make plain Your desire to heal their broken and angry hearts. Show them you are the Living Water; the only one that can quench their parched souls.
For those little ones who have been lost to the abortion industry, comfort them and take care of them as only the Father of fathers can.
For the legislators who have not had the courage to face this issue and make abortion illegal, Father I beg that You would convict them in the knowledge of the Truth and give them the courage to stand!
To You be the glory Heavenly Father and may your will be done in Jesus’ name.
To learn more about life issues and the environment, read “Are Mercury Emissions as Evil as Abortion? Somebody Wants Voters to Think So.”
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