“You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.”
“O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!” Heavenly Father, Your creation, the work of Your hands, is a glorious revelation of Your wisdom, power, and goodness. Yet many people fail to recognize that. They are blind to how the heavens declare Your glory, and the sky Your handiwork. I see this especially in the ease with which so many people think that we insignificant humans, by bringing about a barely discernible change in the chemistry of the atmosphere with which You cloaked the earth, could cause catastrophic global warming. That thinking seems prima facie to dishonor You, robbing Your name of the glory You deserve, by thinking You designed a world that is fragile and prone to utter collapse in response to the slightest stimulus. Would we think an architect wise who designed a building so that a person’s leaning on a wall would make it collapse? Why then would we think the God who designed the earth’s climate system wise if He made it so that a change in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration from 28 thousandths of a percent to 40 thousandths of a percent could cause catastrophic climate change? Isn’t that way of thinking likely an insult to Your name? Open the eyes, we pray, of those who think that way, and help them to see that the best empirical evidence is that increasing atmosphere carbon dioxide has little or no discernible impact on global temperature and won’t cause disasters, and that we need not waste vast sums of money trying to prevent it when those sums would be so much more useful lifting billions of people out of poverty. This we pray in Jesus’ name, amen.
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