Dear Friends,
We love to hear from you! Whether by email, phone, or good old-fashioned letter, we’re always interested in what you think.
In fact, last week I received a letter from a supporter—a World War II hero—that was so good we posted it on our blog—you can read it by clicking here.
And a couple of weeks ago we launched a new way to hear from you: periodic conference phone calls. We did two then, and on March 21, at 1:00 pm Eastern Time, we’ll do another. We’d love to have you join us.
If you do, you’ll get to hear from, and speak with, geologist Gregory Wrightstone, author of the best-selling book Inconvenient Facts: The Science Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know (which many of you received as our thanks for a donation several months ago), and an amazing smartphone app that makes those “inconvenient” facts convenient to you!
Radio talk show host and Director of the Conservative Hispanic Society Chris Salcedo raved about the app recently in LifeZette:
Derived from Gregory Wrightstone’s book “Inconvenient Facts: The Science Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know,” this new app features 60 facts that seriously undermine claims from collectivists that man-made global warming is destroying the planet.
Tap your Android or iPhone [more about the iPhone below!], and there is a graphic showing that the current warming trend began 300 years ago, well before Henry Ford introduced the Model T or Al Gore invented the internet.
Touch a tab to access a brief analysis, another tab for a video of Wrightstone’s commentary, and a third for a list of references.
So when your Gen-Z relative comes home for a weekend meal and insists the oceans are becoming more acidic because of high levels of carbon dioxide, you’ll be ready.
Simply tap Inconvenient Fact #55 for data that shows no long-term correlation between CO2 and pH levels.
Inconvenient Fact #56 tells you there was no ocean acidification going on, even when CO2 levels were 15 times higher than now. How do we know that? Because significant limestone depositions coincided with high CO2 levels, which could not have occurred along with acidification.
It is amazing how much documented – and coherent — information is packed into this tiny app, making the smartphone an utterly appropriate resource and you a smugly clever person.
Salcedo makes clear just how useful this app can be in an age when so many, especially younger people, depend overwhelmingly on what they can access in seconds on their “devices”:
If your emotional millennial or Gen-Z relatives aren’t suitably persuaded by data, you can rattle off some of the sources for facts #55 and #56: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and others. Oh, what the heck, toss in the title of one of the scientific papers: “Instability of seawater pH in the South China Sea during the mid-late Holocene: Evidence from boron isotopic composition of corals.”
I promised “more about the iPhone.” The “more” is this: On February 3, Apple approved the app for sales, and it was doing well until Gregory made a cosmetic change, corrected to a couple of charts, and added a video. Suddenly Apple disapproved the app, and it rejected Gregory’s appeal on February 28. Apple offered no more explanation than “Your app provides a limited user experience as it provides a limited amount of features,” adding,
We understand that there are no hard and fast rules to define useful or entertaining, but Apple and Apple customers expect apps to provide a really great user experience. Apps should provide valuable utility or entertainment, draw people in by offering compelling capabilities or content, or enable people to do something they couldn’t do before or in a way they couldn’t do it before.
This smacks of censorship. Apple first approved the app, and then, after not a downgrade of its quality but an upgrade, it disapproved it. Gregory asks, “Am I paranoid or are they targeting an effective tool that can be used to roll back the climate change nonsense?”
So, please join Gregory, Cornwall Director of Communications Megan Kinard, and me for a spirited discussion March 21, at 1:00 pm Eastern Time. If you’d like to participate, please RSVP by emailing Megan@CornwallAlliance.org, and she will send you the call information.
Featured Photo by Marc-André Julien on Unsplash.
louis wachsmuth says
Say,this is just part of a long article. How about a comment? The Energy 202: OIL GIANT MAKES BUSINESS CASE FOR TAKING CLIMATE CHANGE SERIOUSLY; By Steven Mufson. March 5 2019 THE LIGHTBULB
The chief economist of one of the world’s biggest oil companies is urging other companies to take climate change seriously — and sooner rather than later. That’s the warning from BP’s Spencer Dale, who made the rounds in Washington last week explaining the business case for finding a solution for the warming planet. “All the climate arguments are real, urgent and important,” Dale said in an interview with The Washington Post. Despite working for one of the world’s biggest producers of fossil fuels, Dale said the longer the world waits to address rising emissions, the more “draconian” the changes in the global economy will have to be. The provocative economist spent more than a decade working for the Bank of England before joining the oil giant. At the end of February, Dale led the publication of BP’s annual energy outlook, which is widely anticipated among energy industry followers. At the center of the report’s most likely scenario for the future is the tension between the pressing need to slash carbon emissions and the growing demand for energy as the global population grows and seeks better livelihoods.
Dennis Hedke says
Mr. Dale is seriously misguided, inside a company that has chosen to patently ignore the mountains of credible data–as opposed to believing the fraudulent misinformation that has been foisted on mankind by the likes of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and so many other entities and individuals, not the least of which is Michael Mann, the famous professor who concocted the totally debunked “Hockey Stick” temperature graph made fraudulently famous by Al Gore.
The truth will ultimately win out, and the BP’s, ExxonMobil’s, Chevron’s are doing a tremendous disservice to mankind–and No Thank You for the ‘Carbon Tax’ nonsense being considered.
George Rox says
Whenever I enter an argument with a liberal I always ask the question first… If the facts don’t line up with your argument are you willing to change your mind?
If I can’t get that commitment there’s no sense in talking and if I can get that commitment now you can deal with facts.