The following is a guest article sourced from

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The “green” global elites are aiming for total food control. Their power grab, which is now most evident in Holland, threatens the entire planet — including the United States.
Guest host Adam McManus interviews Dr. Calvin Beisner, Founder of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation about two disturbing articles in The New American by William Jasper.
The first, entitled “No Farmers, No Food,” outlines how the environmental activists are using the ploy of global warming to severely restrict the amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides as well as the number of cattle which Dutch farmers can use and own. Farmers are revolting. Amazingly, even though the Netherlands is slightly larger than the state of Maryland, it is the second largest agricultural exporter behind the United States
The second, entitled “Biden’s War on Farmers,” reveals that Biden’s fiscal and anti-fossil fuel policies are devastating our entire national economy, including agriculture.
Amazingly, Biden’s own Climate Czar, John Kerry, admitted that even if America dropped its gas emissions to zero overnight, the so-called “Climate Crisis” wouldn’t be solved because China, India, and Russia collectively contribute massive global emissions.
While a Washington Post article in May of 2021 claimed that “Air pollution from farms leads to 17,900 U.S. deaths per year,” Beisner says that is demonstrably untrue. He points to Steve Milloy’s book entitled Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the Environmental Protection Agency.
Jasper concludes, “If the globalists are allowed to succeed, millions of independent family farms across the globe will be wiped out and replaced by a few dozen government-favored crony corporatists. Then, based on something resembling Communist China’s ‘social credit’ system, the government-corporate politburo will be able to determine if you and your family get food, as well as when you get it, what type of food you get, and in what quantities. That is a recipe for absolute tyranny and something all Americans should fight with every fiber of their being.”
Ultimately, Beisner asserts that the environmentalists, who hate God and humans created in His image, believe that the presence of humans on Earth is a scourge. An optimum number would be 500 million people. That would be an alarming 97% reduction in the world’s population!
Listen to Dr. Beisner’s interview with Adam McManus here!
Bridging Humanity and the Environment is the blog of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, the premier Christian think tank addressing Biblical earth stewardship, economic development for the poor, and the gospel of Christ all tied together. Would you like to help us publish more such articles and other educational resources? Because we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, all gifts are tax-deductible
Jeff Burdick Jr. says
I really enjoyed this interview. As a Dairy farmer, I am amazed at how few people are seeing the total destruction of the small family farm for what it is. The control of food supply. When you had multiple dairy farms in each county there was an easily accessed food supply nearby that prevented the starvation of the masses. 13 counties in the US now produce half the milk in the nation. Small farms can’t compete not because of inefficiency but because the larger farms are given many breaks, Unfair pricing, cheap labor, and environmental regulations which exceed the total yearly revenue of a dairy farm milking less than 100 cows. And now starting in 2024 we will have onerous levels of reporting put upon us that any third-party group can demand at any time for any reason. See the National Milk Producers Federation FF.A.R.M. program. the reporting on nutrient management will lead to dutch level exits of farmers due to climate terrorism. The threat is real.
Most consumers do not realize that as grocery stores of the 50s and 60s gave way to super Walmarts, Target, and others, the food price was subsidized by the consumer goods cheaply made with slave labor from China. This meant that the food prices were kept lower while the trinkets and consumable electronics subsidized the store. This loss leader concept allowed the chain stores to grow and demand more concessions from farm product processors, which made farm staples cheaper than could be grown without government subsidization. Also as more people went on food welfare programs the GOvernment needed food to be cheap to keep its budgets in line.
All of the ills of today happened when people felt the food was a right and they shouldn’t only not have to worry about its availability but they could press for it to be cheaper and more tailored to their perceived needs. All while denying the farmer the right to a fair wage for his labor.