Cal Thomas is Cal Thomas is probably the most senior of all Christian opinion columnists, with his syndicated column reaching millions through hundreds of newspapers. Here he takes on climate catastrophists, showing his usual wisdom and clarity.—ECB

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MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Today is September 7th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Myrna Brown.
PAUL BUTLER, HOST: And I’m Paul Butler. Commentator Cal Thomas now on recent pushback against climate change activism.
CAL THOMAS, COMMENTATOR: It’s been a good summer for climate activists who are pushing the false narrative of “climate change.” We had the Canadian wildfires with smoke drifting into parts of the U.S. Then there were hotter than usual temperatures in many parts of the country, followed by a devastating fire in Maui and Hurricane Idalia.
Never mind that the fires in Canada might have been prevented with proper clearing of underbrush and removal of old trees. The same goes for Maui, which could have benefitted from better management of the fire when it first broke out.
Consider this: According to the Hawaii Wildfire Management Organization, “98 percent of wildfires are human-caused.” Maybe it’s time to bring back Smokey Bear who said: “Remember, only YOU can prevent forest fires.”
Returning to Canadian wildfires, which are common across that country during summer, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that half were caused by lightning strikes while the other half had causes ranging from discarded cigarette butts to sparks from passing trains. While the newspaper includes “climate change” as a contributing factor, better forest management would have helped reduce the risk.
Much of the media hauled out one of their favorite words – “unprecedented” – to describe Idalia. That’s despite the fact that hurricanes routinely happen during the summer and early fall and some of the worst ones occurred long before the Industrial Age. According to a study on the webpage Advancing Earth and Space Sciences: “Global hurricane counts and Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) have significantly decreased since 1990 likely due to a trend toward LaNina.”
CNN went full crisis mode when its top climate “expert” Bill Weir said: “The cost of [using fossil fuels] is becoming bigger with every storm. Science has been warning about this for a very long time, in many ways it has been predicted…”
This an excerpt from an article that first appeared at You can continue reading the article here.
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