The energy-poor nation of Ethiopia has just become the first in the world to ban the import of all non-electric automobiles. This despite the fact that barely half of Ethiopian citizens have any access to electricity. Other sources say that number may be as low as 30 percent.On the other hand, electricity in Ethiopia is cheap – just six-tenths of a cent per kilowatt-hour for households and 2.1 cents/kWh for businesses, compared with 15.6 cents and 15.2 cents, respectively, worldwide. … [Read more...]
Microreactor Designs Fit for a Green Future
Innovation Zero 2024, set for April 30-May 1, is the largest net zero conference in the United Kingdom, a nation that has opted to keep nuclear energy in its “green” portfolio. The government-sponsored event “provides a meeting place for announcements, partnerships, deal-making, and collaborations for those who develop, produce, deploy, and fund low-carbon solutions.”Just two of the 40 speakers at the Innovation Zero 2024 Energy Forum will represent the nuclear energy industry – Michael Hewitt, … [Read more...]
Want More Biodiversity? Leave it to the Beavers
Methane, the principal component of natural gas, is viewed by environmental extremists as one of the greatest dangers to planet Earth. The anti-carbon-dioxide crowd has long targeted humans and cows. Today, even biodiversity-enhancing beavers are also labeled as illegal immigrant planet killers.According to Desirée Plata, Director of the MIT Methane Network, “If methane emissions from natural gas are on the high end of current estimates, natural gas may be no improvement over coal at … [Read more...]
Europe’s Green Nightmare May Soon Be Over
Elections for the European Parliament will be held in June, and big changes appear on the horizon. The Green parties, who won big in 2019 and pushed European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to present an ambitious climate agenda, are in decline. Led by disgruntled (and targeted) farmers, voters in at least 18 of the EU’s 27 member nations are expected to express disapproval of EU policies at the ballot box.Perhaps the tiniest of the protests belongs to the European People’s Party … [Read more...]
As China Builds Yugos, EVs May Be the New Edsels
The year 1957 is memorable for at least two historic launches. The launch by the Soviet Socialist Union of Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite, prompted the U.S. to create the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) the very next year.Photo: Creative Commons under Unsplash.Eleven years later, Neil Armstrong stepped out of Apollo 11 and famously proclaimed, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”Barely three years later, Apollo 17 astronaut Eugene … [Read more...]
Mr. Bean Was Right – and So Was Toyota
When auto (even EV driving) enthusiast Rowan Atkinson – Mr. Bean to his fans – last June wrote in The Guardian that there are “sound environmental reasons” why “keeping your old petrol car may be better than buying an EV,” he was vilified as a eco-traitor.Atkinson had added, “We’re realizing that a wider range of options need to be explored if we’re going to properly address the very serious environmental problems that our use of the motor car has created.” These include, he said, hydrogen fuel … [Read more...]
The Technocracy’s Masks Are All Off Now
For decades, the masses have been in the dark about the identities of the puppet masters [dark money] pulling the strings of their acolytes “chosen” to run the world’s powerful institutions. People thought, with much instruction from “official” channels, that public officeholders themselves were in charge.Futurist authors from George Orwell to Ayn Rand (and many science fiction writers) have warned of the dangers of centralized power, which tends to end up in the wrong hands. But few paid … [Read more...]
The Climate War Is Over: China Won
Academia’s best-known hockey player, Michael Mann, in 2021 published a book entitled, The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet. His thesis was that climate-altering fossil fuel companies, right-wing plutocrats, and petrostates are the enemies of humanity and (by omission) that nature has no significant role in climate change.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashMann’s thesis seems to be that an army of activists who condemn the Industrial Revolution can defeat the … [Read more...]
Will the Electric Car Mandates Battle Decide the 2024 Election?
Let’s see just how long this auto workers’ strike lasts. It’s not really about the 46% pay raise but the 2009 Obama deal that took away cost-of-living adjustments. It’s not really about the short run, either.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashBut let’s see what the auto workers get in the face of President Biden’s unrealistic demand that would force us to buy Chinese battery-powered vehicles.The sheep will remain loyal – just as they are to every other radical idea – because to resist is to … [Read more...]
Supernatural Warnings Come to California
On the same day that Hurricane (Tropical Storm) Hilary brought record rainfall to the Los Angeles area (nearly 6 inches to Lake Palmdale and 4.26 inches on the UCLA campus), a magnitude 5.1 earthquake occurred in nearby Ojai.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashTo the truly enlightened, these rare disasters should serve as a warning from on high that the Golden State is headed for a massive downfall – punishment for trying to force smog-fighting electric vehicles on … [Read more...]