According to Lauren Fix, the Car Coach®, China is well on its way to becoming a world leader in climate policy and is quickly taking over the electric car industry – and thus (barring mandate reversals) the entire auto industry.Talk about snake oil sales! But is Xi Jinping that smart, or are European and American politicians, business magnates, and globalist plutocrats just that dumb?Fix says the Chinese decided in 2001 that they could not compete on the international market with … [Read more...]
Protecting ‘Sacred’ Lands As Part of ‘Managed Decline’
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashIt is increasingly clear that the Biden Administration’s minerals policy is designed to maximize China’s grip on America’s declining future. On August 8, Biden permanently banned new uranium mining claims on nearly a million acres of the nation’s largest deposits of uranium ore by creating the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument in Arizona.The move follows Biden’s creation in March of the Avi Kwa Ame National Park in Nevada, … [Read more...]
Green Posturing: Grandstanding or Goofball?
Two years ago, industrial ecology guru Roland Geyer, writing in The Guardian, made his case for an immediate ban on fossil fuels. His reason? “Time is running out to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and avoid catastrophic climate change.”Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashGeyer assesses pollution prevention strategies based on reuse, recycling, and material and technology substitution plastics, photovoltaics, metals, and automotives. He is convinced that industrial society can … [Read more...]
U.S. Nuclear Energy Policy: Stuck on Stupid!
The gullibility of the human species is a sight to behold. Take these examples, from a list of superstitions.According to Joshua Partlow, Washington Post Mexico bureau chief, putting two mirrors in front of each other opens a threshold for the devil. In Lithuania, it is forbidden to whistle indoors, because the noise is believed to summon demons. In South Korea, it is commonly believed that prolonged exposure to a running fan will cause hypothermia and asphyxiation.Here’s one not from that … [Read more...]
Some Like It Hot – Others Like It Cold
The drivel from air-conditioned mainstream media newsrooms has reached new levels of guffaw with the “shocking” headlines that the Fourth of July was the hottest day on Earth in “as many as 125,000 years” – breaking a record set on July 3. Hmmm. Really? Or is this just hype to avoid mentioning the shortfall of patriotic fireworks, replaced by drones across much of the Home of the Brave (not so much.)Here’s what we know IS true. In many places, including central Texas, it was HOT on … [Read more...]
Finally, the Europeans May Be Rejecting the EV Kool-Aid
You may not know it if you rely solely on American media, but there is a growing revolt across much of Europe against net-zero mandates in general and electric vehicle mandates in particular.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashIt seems that led by luxury carmakers, the future may be bright for the venerable internal combustion engine if new synthetic fuel technologies can produce an affordable replacement for gasoline and diesel fuels.The revolt had been brewing since Europe got a wake-up call … [Read more...]
The EV Kool-Aid Acid Test
In his 1968 book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, author Tom Wolfe portrayed Ken Kesey as a man seeking to create a new religion. Kesey’s followers and peers – the “Merry Pranksters” – sought to create a new society based on psychedelic transcendence. But it all started thanks to a CIA-sponsored drug study in which Kesey was given LSD.Mary Barra, the CEO of General Motors, apparently finds driving an electric vehicle (EV) to be as thrilling as one of Kesey’s LSD trips. In a recent social … [Read more...]
Italy Returns to Nuclear Sanity. Shouldn’t We?
The Italian parliament, demonstrating confidence in Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, this week formally backed her plan to reintroduce nuclear power plants into Italy’s energy mix, reversing the nation’s 1987 moratorium on nuclear power. Meanwhile, energy-starved Germany is feeling the pinch from shuttering all of its 17 nuclear power plants.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThe U.S. has closed 11 nuclear reactors since 2013, with another eight of the 94 remaining reactors scheduled … [Read more...]
The European War On Food Ignores Water Pollution
According to the World Health Organization, 31 million Europeans have no access to public sanitation, and 48 million do not have piped water at home. At least 300,000 Europeans follow San Francisco’s practice of defecating openly – but in the countryside rather than on public streets. But just as in the United States, water quality has taken a back seat to “climate change.”On another front, the European Commission has adopted a “Sustainable EU Food System,” an initiative that intends to set … [Read more...]
The $200 Billion Electric School Bus Bust
The Beatles once sang, “All you need is love.” But will Kamala Harris’ professed LOVE for electric school buses—plus the $1 billion in taxpayer subsidies she announced last October—be enough to usher in the new paradise?Hmm. Let’s do the math. The $1 billion in rebates pledged is to help purchase 2,500 electric school buses in some 391 school districts around the nation. But there are in fact about 500,000 school buses transporting children to and from school, to and from … [Read more...]