In his recent article “Four Reasons Alarmists Are Wrong on Climate Change,” Cornwall Alliance Research Associate for Developing Countries Vijay Jayaraj distinguished what, following widespread usage, he called climate-change alarmists, deniers, and skeptics. The “alarmists” generally think that human emissions of carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gases) are driving global warming so rapid and eventually of such great magnitude as to be dangerous or even catastrophic and that the appropriate … [Read more...]
Cornwall Contributing Writer Gregory Wrightstone featured on CBN News!
CBN News’s Gary Lane interviewed Cornwall Alliance Contributing Writer Gregory Wrightstone about climate change on Set It Straight yesterday. The interview is exciting and enlightening! Wrightstone, a geologist and author of Inconvenient Facts: The Science Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know, brings reality to the climate-change discussion. He cites fact after fact that contradicts claims of dangerous manmade global warming and explaining why President Trump and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt … [Read more...]
Climate Alarmist Consensus—About to Shatter?
Is this the End of the Beginning, or the Beginning of the End? On November 10, 1942, after British and Commonwealth forces defeated the Germans and Italians at the Second Battle of El Alamein, taking nearly 30,000 prisoners, Winston Churchill told the British Parliament, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” In The Hinge of Fate, volume 3 of his marvelous 6-volume history of World War II, published eight years later, he … [Read more...]
Congratulations to Jim Bridenstine, New NASA Administrator—It’s about Time!
Seven months ago I wrote about why Congressman Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), nominated to be the new administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was well qualified and, in a saner world, should have been confirmed quickly. Yesterday, at last, the well-deserved confirmation finally happened---albeit along strict party lines---after the vote had been delayed for months. Democrats opposed him because---well, because they're Democrats, and he wasn't nominated by Hillary Clinton. … [Read more...]
Will the Global Economy Be Battered by Car Batteries?
In America and around the world, millions of people think electric vehicles (EVs) are the solution to all kinds of environmental problems---like smog, fine particulate pollution, and global warming. Save the planet! Drive a Leaf (or Volt or Tesla or ... the models multiply). But enormous technical problems face the transition from gasoline- or diesel-powered to battery-powered vehicles. Those problems are all rooted in one issue: energy density (energy stored by volume). Cubic inch for cubic … [Read more...]
A Warming Solution that Just Might Work—But Not as Planned?
Los Angeles has a new solution to climate change: painting streets white. Well, not quite a solution to climate change. What it really addresses is what's called the "urban heat island" (UHI) effect. Cities and towns, with lots of blacktop streets, absorb more energy from sunlight than rural areas, so their ambient air temperatures (especially at night) are warmer. Los Angeles will paint its streets white to reduce its UHI. It might actually work, though with all those black rubber tires … [Read more...]
What Really Brought about the Population Collapse on Easter Island?
For years people around the world, swayed mostly by Jared Diamond's book Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, have thought Easter Island---2,300 miles west of the coast of Chile---suffered a population crash because its people used up its resources (chiefly palm trees) faster than they could be renewed. I haven't known what to think, but, though I knew of its inaccuracies on some other subjects, I assumed Diamond's story was likely. Now my friend Dennis Avery has educated me. The … [Read more...]
Who Are the Real Science Deniers? It’s a Given
A little etymology lesson: data derives from the Latin, dare (pronounced DAH-ray), "to give," and means "given." (Back when I took Latin, it was typically the second verb the conjugation of which one learned. The first was amo, "I love," the infinitive form of which is amare.) Data means "given." In the natural sciences, it's supposed to mean what we observe. It's supposed to be quite distinct from what we do with or infer from what we observe. To be data, information should be unadjusted … [Read more...]
Worried about Warming? What about Cooling?
While most of the global elite and politicians and media are worried that human action will usher in global warming, the more likely scenario for the next thirt years or more is global cooling. And while some warming would be mostly good for people and planet, cooling would not. That's the testimony of history. Humanity has always done better in warmer than in colder periods in history. Crops grow better, so food is more abundant. Cold snaps kill ten times as many people per day as heat waves. … [Read more...]
You shall not covet
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s. Heavenly Father, Your Word is filled with warnings about the dangers associated with riches. What will it profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his own soul? Such is the danger to every individual who lets riches take Your place. You teach us, instead of pursuing wealth, to pursue contentment … [Read more...]
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