Delusional Western nation anti-hydrocarbon energy policies premised upon combating climate change as the "greatest existential threat" are being exploited by far more immediate and formidable adversaries.We are currently witnessing tragic consequences play out in failures of Russian oil and gas-dependent NATO allies — Germany in particular — to dissuade and counter savage Putin aggression against Ukraine.Add to this, a concurrent Biden administration policy disaster which has … [Read more...]
“Green” Media Misrepresents World’s Energy Reality
Fossil fuels are out. Coal is no longer king. The Middle East faces an oil crisis. These are typical headlines in the mainstream media. Unreported is the hard reality of the world’s fossil-dependent developing economies. This story goes untold because media in the developed West seek to create a perception of an inevitable transition to energy markets free of hydrocarbons.Whatever is behind the media’s ignorance — or neglect — of the proliferation of coal, oil, and natural gas, it … [Read more...]
EPA’s Victims Looking to Prayer and Judicial Relief
Providing sustenance to the Biden administration’s “green” push to replace the use of the U.S.’s abundant reserves of fossil fuels with unreliable and expensive wind and solar are regulators armed with a specious notion that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are pollutants.The government’s attack on hydrocarbons goes back to the Clinton administration’s Environmental Protection Agency, which produced a legal opinion that it could regulate greenhouse gases even though Congress never … [Read more...]
Do Fossil Fuels Really Account for CO2 Added to the Atmosphere?
Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, the concentration of CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere has risen from about 280 to about 417 parts per million. Most scientists studying the issue think most of the increase has come from burning fossil fuels. Some people, however, question that.For instance, one person wrote to us:From a basic calculation I have carried out, my estimate is that of the over 200 gigatons[gt]-C CO2 increase of CO2 in the atmosphere since the start of the Industrial Revolution … [Read more...]
Nothing Like Fossil Energy Shortages to Cool Climate Alarm Policies
What a difference a year makes in witnessing how rising petroleum pump prices and winter heating costs can bring about a chilling political climate change regarding the importance of fossil energy.We’re seeing evidence of this consequential rude awakening in reversals of the Biden administration's anti-oil and gas regulatory edicts, desperate White House pleas for hydrocarbon companies to increase production, and Democrat-sponsored federal gas tax suspension proposals.Meanwhile, as Europe has … [Read more...]
Federal District Court Enjoins Use Of The “Social Cost Of Carbon”
In the U.S. so far, efforts to enact legislation in Congress to “save the planet” by restricting fossil fuels and transforming our energy economy have gone almost entirely nowhere. President Obama’s big idea of “cap and trade” legislation died early in his first term and was never resurrected. President Biden’s “Green New Deal” has so far suffered a similar fate. If the Republicans retake even one house of Congress later this year, prospects for legislation on this subject may be dead for many … [Read more...]
Is capitalism to blame for hunger and poverty?
Before capitalism, most of the global population were living in extreme poverty. From 90 percent in 1820, the rate has now fallen to 10 percent.Most remarkably, since the end of communism in China and other countries in recent decades, poverty has declined faster than in any previous period in human history.Many people who believe that capitalism is to blame for hunger and poverty have an entirely unrealistic notion of life in pre-capitalist societies. Johan Norberg, the author of the book … [Read more...]
A Multi-generational Perspective on the Covid-19 Pandemic
Editor's Note: Whether war, famine, or pestilence, or smaller-scale troubles like an individual injury or illness or a business failure, people have, throughout history, suffered. “In the world, you have tribulation,” Jesus told His disciples. In our day, whether people fear climate change, or the “solutions” to climate change, the “Great Reset,” or inflation, we all need Jesus’ next words: “but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Gregory Rummo’s article below offers … [Read more...]
Thinking Biblically about Earth Stewardship & the Conquest of Poverty in the Age of Climate Change
We have created an updated version of this page to reflect changes made for 2023. You can visit the new page here. … [Read more...]
As coal use surges, America finds it’s hard to unplug from carbon
So much for the myriad claims about going “beyond coal.” According to a new report from the Rhodium Group, U.S. coal consumption jumped by 17 percent last year compared to 2020 levels. That’s a huge increase, which Rhodium says was “largely driven by a run-up in natural gas prices.” Rather than burn gas, which averaged about $4.93 per million Btu last year — more than two times the price in 2020 — many electricity producers chose to burn coal instead.The surge in domestic coal use is … [Read more...]
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