They started a war on our cattleWhich led to a hell of a battle.Our burgers are now made of crickets,And buying real beef needs their tickets,Imprinted with silly Green prattle. … [Read more...]
FERC Considers Constraining Renewables
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC, rhymes with jerk) is taking comments on a proposed order that might actually constrain the destructive impact of renewables on America’s grid.FERC would order the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC, also rhymes with jerk) to do something about the growing adverse impact of renewables. NERC is a private corporation endowed with federal authority to keep America’s lights on. NERC makes and enforces the regulations governing grid … [Read more...]
ESG’s Perverse, Narrow, Fraudulent Ethical Principles
Warning: Your retirement fund may have been Shanghaied by BlackRock or other Wall Street asset managers who’ve unilaterally decided that the tens of trillions of dollars of other people’s money they control should be used to advance political causes they favor – to “make the world a better place.” Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashAs most people know, ESG stands for Environmental protection, Social justice, and Governance of corporate and societal affairs. They’re all noble-sounding … [Read more...]
Equality vs Equity: Q&A
I am seeking literature that describes the notion of equality and distinguishes it from equity. I am seeing so much “redefinition” of these terms lately and I wish to engage in civil discourse on these topics. I want to be able to discuss these concepts with people knowing that I have the strength of knowledge behind anything that I might say.In addition, if there are any biblical references that clarify either of these concepts, this would be an extremely valuable addition.Can you help me by … [Read more...]
The Gas Stove Prophets
The following is a guest article by Hans Fiene.The secular left keeps seeking the fulfillment of religious impulses with unsatisfying substitutes.A few days ago, I got up to grill myself a quesadilla in a world where gas stoves were apolitical appliances. When I returned, the political left had declared them a threat to humanity. Richard Trumka Jr. of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission stated that a ban on gas stoves should be on the table because, as New York congresswoman … [Read more...]
Should We Trust the UN’s “Climate Science”?
This is a guest article by Donna Laframboise.Last summer the National Association of Evangelicals, an organization largely in America but with some representation in my country, Canada, published a report that urges Christians to care deeply about climate change. Titled Loving the Least of These, it relies on the work of a United Nations (UN) entity to make its case.Having written two books about that entity—the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)—I was sorry to … [Read more...]
The False Promise of Electric Cars
The following is a guest article by Andrew Stuttaford."The more the state ‘plans,’” wrote Hayek, “the more difficult planning becomes for the individual.” This may resonate with the driver of an electric vehicle (EV) who has pulled up at a charging station in the middle of nowhere, only to find it broken.In January last year, Carlos Tavares, the CEO of Stellantis, the world’s fifth-largest carmaker (it was formed by the merger of Fiat Chrysler and Peugeot), described electrification as “a … [Read more...]
Feds Push Ignorance Defense for Whale Killing by Offshore Wind Development
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the NOAA Fisheries agency have both put out what amount to “arguments from ignorance” claiming that offshore wind development has nothing to do with the recent whale deaths. “We know nothing about it so it must not be happening” is a ridiculous defense to the charge of offshore wind development causing the death of a lot of whales. But this is exactly what the Feds are now saying.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashNOAA Fisheries is a scientific agency … [Read more...]
Green Billionaires Bankroll War on Gas Stoves
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashWhat is the “Climate Imperative Foundation”? Have you ever heard of it? As Robert Bryce writes on Substack, “The Climate Imperative Foundation is the newest and richest anti-hydrocarbon, anti-natural gas group you’ve never heard of.” I recently discussed the issue related to gas stoves. In my investigation, I found the attack on using natural gas for cooking comes largely from the Climate Imperative Foundation.In its first year of existence, Climate … [Read more...]
Why the Sudden Attack on Gas Stoves?
No doubt you have heard the discussion that gas stoves are evil … because they lead to childhood asthma. I am not talking about “gasoline” stoves—and I do not recommend you cook with gasoline—but gas stoves that run on natural gas. You might have one of these “anti-children” appliances in your kitchen. I recently moved from a home that had a gas stove to one where I now cook with electricity … not because I have children who are likely to develop asthma but because … well, the new house does not … [Read more...]
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