The Paris Agreement is all set to become a massive failure. Major member states of the Paris agreement are set to miss the deadlines to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions. Why is it a debacle? The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) states that the Paris Agreement’s aim is to limit the global temperature rise to below 1.5–2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, by the end of this century. To accomplish this target, it required member states to commit … [Read more...]
A Great Disturbance in the Force?
Earlier today we posted a blog piece, "Cracks in the Empire's Armor Appear," by Dr. Roy W. Spencer, that commented humorously on how the media have responded to a new study by climate scientists who heretofore have reliably toed the alarmist line. Observing that actual warming trends are far smaller than those projected by the computer climate models on which the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and various national agencies depend, the authors concluded that therefore there's … [Read more...]
Illinois Family Institute Posts Video of Dr. Beisner’s Presentation on Climate Change and Christian Responsibility
[This article is adapted from its original version on] Last year I was at lunch with an evangelist. After the meal, he handed our waitress a Gospel tract. I wanted to reinforce his compassion, so I told the young lady that her relationship with God was the most important thing in the world. She responded, “Yeah, that and global warming!” She proceeded to tell us that she wakes up in fear of what may happen to the earth during her lifetime. I was shocked. I asked her if she was … [Read more...]
Why the skeptics reject ‘human-induced’ climate change
As the new school year gets underway, here’s some reflection on what may be the current atmosphere of the academic scientific community. Certain campus professors and theoreticians have cast their lofty claims of climate catastrophe out of the comfort of the credulous classroom and faculty lounge and on to the critical community of the wary general public. The result: substantial resistance. Many campus scientists are dismayed at what they see as unreasonable skepticism of the scientific … [Read more...]
On global warming, the American public gets it!
This is simply amazing. After all the hype by media, politicians, entertainers, alarmist climate scientists, and even a Nobel Peace Prize-winning former Vice President, only 28% of Americans think climate scientists understand the causes of climate change "very well." That's one finding of a Pew Research Study on which Scott Rasmussen reports in his #Number of the Day for August 21, 2017, which begins: Twenty-eight percent (28%) of Americans think that climate scientists understand the … [Read more...]
Got Some Expertise on Climate Change? Here’s Your Chance to Bring some Balance
The U.S. Global Change Research Program is calling for nominations of review editors for the fourth edition of the National Climate Assessment. Qualified scientists, economists, and other experts who aren't committed to global warming alarmism (a view pushed by past editions, as illustrated by the screen shot of the USGCRP's NCA web page above---because everybody knows that anthropogenic climate change will bring more and stronger hurricanes???) should consider taking the opportunity to have … [Read more...]
Why do Bootleggers and Baptists Love Paris?
Huh? Does it even make sense to ask "Why?" if we don't know "if"? Do bootleggers and Baptists both love Paris? Well, yes---if "Paris" is the Paris climate accord, the "bootleggers" are industrial giants with a lot to gain from policies needed to implement the accord, and the "Baptists" are the environmentalists who support the accord because they think it'll save the planet. As I explained here and here: Corporations that stand to benefit from mandates and subsidies to renewable … [Read more...]
Can We Get There from Here?
A tourist asks an Irish old-timer, "How do I get to Dublin?" The old-timer responds, "Well, you can't get there from here." That's what came to my mind when I read Michael Kelly's brief paper "A Challenge for Renewable Energies," at the Global Warming Policy Forum. The gist: "In recent years the energy sector has accounted for about 9 per cent of global GDP, with the implication that the return on energy investment [ROEI] in the world economy is, approximately and as an average, about … [Read more...]
You’re “Still In”? Too Bad for You. We’re Out
Pure symbolism. That's what "We Are Still In" really is. "We Are Still In" is the petulant response of 9 states, 8 Blue (CA, CT, HI, NY, OR, RI, VA, WA) and 1 Red (NC), out of 50, 202 cities and counties (mostly in Blue states) out of 3,144 (cities, counties, and county equivalents), 308 institutions of higher learning out of 4,140, and 1,530 "businesses and investors" out of 18.2 million businesses and about 160 million owners of stocks to President Trump's … [Read more...]
Global Temperature and CO2—Which Drives Which?
The climate alarmist crowd never tires of insisting that anthropogenic additions to atmospheric carbon dioxide---up by 45 percent, from 280 to about 407 parts per million, since before the Industrial Revolution---are driving historically unprecedented and likely-to-become catastrophic global warming, and that they're exacerbated by increases in atmospheric methane (CH4) driven by the rising temperature, making methane a positive feedback. The claim rests on the notion that carbon dioxide level … [Read more...]
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