Speaking to a gathering of mayors from around the world at the Vatican July 21, Pope Francis urged action to reduce global warming, saying he particularly hopes the UN climate summit later this year will address how it "affects the trafficking of people." Problem #1: Human-induced climate change has not affected the trafficking of people, or even migration in general. The one and only candidate for climate-change refugee status, a man from the island of Kiribati, just lost his case on appeal, … [Read more...]
“The Pause” Survives NOAA’s Assault
Climate alarmists the world over heaved a sigh of relief a little over a month ago when a team of NOAA scientists led by Tom Karl published a piece in Science purporting to disprove "the pause" in global warming. The sigh was short lived, though, since quite a few able critiques of Karl et al. 2015 appeared quickly, a number of them linked in my earlier blog on the subject here. Now the Global Warming Policy Foundation has published, together in a single post, two new critiques, by David … [Read more...]
IPCC’s Hypersophisticated Forecasts vs. Scott Armstrong’s Super-Simple Forecast: Who Wins?
The essence of science is testing predictions by comparison with real-world observations. Al Gore and the IPCC have been saying for years that human emissions of CO2 would cause global warming at a rate of 3C per century. But IPCC's forecasts violated 72 out of 89 relevant principles of scientific forecasting. In 2007, Scott Armstrong, professor at the Wharton School and a specialist in forecasting methods, challenged Gore to a bet. They would track changes in global average temperature (GAT) … [Read more...]
Global Warming: A Priority for the Rich and Free
Folks like those who stage events like the "Walk Against Warming" illustrated above think fighting climate change is a high priority. President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry say climate change is the greatest threat facing the world. But United Nations-sponsored worldwide polling suggests that how people answer the question, "How high a priority is fighting global warming?" depends significantly on their economic condition. Data for all countries and country groups, ages, education … [Read more...]
Fuel Poverty: The Deadly Side of Renewable Energy
So climate alarmists want a rapid, mandatory shift from fossil fuels—chiefly coal and natural gas—to wind and solar to save us all from catastrophic global warming. What comes with that? The people of England and Wales have found out, and it isn't pretty. Over a decade ago, the United Kingdom began a rigorous policy of shutting down coal-fired power plants and replacing them with wind farms and solar arrays to feed its electricity grid. The direct result was skyrocketing electric rates across … [Read more...]
“Global warming really has become a new religion”–Nobel Physicist Ivar Giaever
Ivar Giaever explains in this video lecture why he rejects global warming alarming. "It's ridiculous," he says, to think we can measure global average temperature (GAT) accurately, and that we should consider an increase in GAT from ~1880 to 2015 from ~288 degrees Kelvin to ~288.8 degrees Kelvin (an increase of only 0.3%) frightening. There's much more in this brilliant lecture. But who cares what he thinks? He's just a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. And after all, he's not a member of the … [Read more...]
Why do I Think Climate Alarmists Are Overreacting?
Religion Dispatches posted Jacob J. Erickson’s interesting article “Falling in Love with the Earth: Francis’ Faithful Ecology,” about a week ago, and one follower, “Whiskyjack,” chastened Catholic Republican Presidential candidates for hypocrisy on the grounds that they accept his authority on abortion and homosexuality but not on climate change. I replied: Catholic dogma holds that papal authority is only in matters of faith (doctrine) and morals. It doesn't extend to science, economics, or … [Read more...]
Bandow: Papal encyclical forgets the ecological benefits of market economies
Christian economist Doug Bandow, a long-time friend, has published three thoughtful responses to Laudato Si, Pope Francis's encyclical on the environment. One is "In Calling on Government, Laudato Si Underestimates Power of the the Market." It is, as usual, clear and concise. This excerpt is particularly important: ... the Pontiff’s own goals conflict. For instance, he speaks movingly of the dignity of work and its importance for all, including the poor. These jobs—especially better ones, of … [Read more...]
Is Pope Francis a Chemist?
In expectation of the release of an encyclical on environmental stewardship, some people have claimed that Pope Francis has a degree, even a master’s degree, in chemistry, qualifying him to understand the scientific issues of climate change. Not so, according to the National Catholic Reporter. Actually, Francis graduated, at age 19, “with a título in chemistry from the Escuela Técnica Industrial No. 12*, which is a state-run technical secondary school,” and “the título really represents … [Read more...]
Science Daily Mutes Main Point of Important New Study
Nature, one of the world’s premier science journals, has just published a new study showing that “proves that ocean circulation is the link between weather and decadal scale climatic change.” More important, it undermines the storyline of dangerous anthropogenic global warming so hotly promoted by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Green groups around the world. But note how Science Daily, which is sold out to global warming … [Read more...]
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