Originally Published at Townhall.com Mystified by all the news lately that “conservative, evangelical Christians” have suddenly become very worried about climate change when none of your conservative, evangelical Christian friends have done so? Perplexed by reports that “conservative, evangelical Christians” spoke out in favor of the federal EPA’s new proposed rule requiring 30% cuts in CO2emissions from power plants by 2030? There’s a pretty easy explanation, the old newspaper editor’s rule … [Read more...]
Cornwall Alliance Founder and National Spokesman Writes Letter to Florida Governor Rick Scott Opposing Pressure for Urgent Action in Florida to Fight Global Warming
Cornwall Alliance Founder and National Spokesman Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, a Florida resident, wrote a letter to Florida Governor Rick Scott opposing pressure for urgent action in Florida to fight global warming. His letter, dated July 28, 2014, began: Grace and peace to you in Christ Jesus. I live in Pembroke Pines, Florida, and am the Founder and National Spokesman of an evangelical ministry, The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, a network of nearly 60 evangelical theologians, … [Read more...]
Lying with Statistics: “The National Climate Assessment” Falsely Hypes Ice Loss in Greenland and Antarctica
How fast are Greenland and Antarctica losing ice? If you trust the National Climate Assessment (NCA), you’ll think, “Very fast!” And that’s intentional. The aim is to provoke fear so the American public will support the Obama administration’s aim to spend $Trillions fighting global warming. Here’s how the NCA (in Appendix 4, FAQ-L) depicts the rate of loss from the ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica: Pretty steep declines, right? Downright scary. But if there’s any way to depict … [Read more...]
“Climate Science”? Or Irrational Thuggery
When Dr. Lennart Bengtsson, one of the world’s leading meteorologists who had for years warned people of dangerous, manmade global warming, began to publish his doubts because observed temperatures weren’t rising anywhere near as fast as the computer climate models predicted, some of his former “comrades in alarms” got upset. When the veteran Swedish climate scientist agreed to serve as an advisor to a major think tank that calls for balanced research and reporting about climate, they went from … [Read more...]
What’s Wrong with Latest National Climate Assessment? Dr. Roy Spencer Sounds Off
The national media have been abuzz since the release of the Obama Administration’s highly politicized National Climate Assessment (NCA) Tuesday. A typical report, in USA Today, began this way: Devastating droughts in the Southwest, ruinous floods in New York City, killer wildfires in Colorado, intense heat waves in the Plains: These are the some of the disasters that are being exacerbated by global warming, and problems will continue to worsen in the decades to come, according to a massive … [Read more...]
Today Is Earth Day – So?
You’ll see it all over in the media. Tuesday, April 22, 2014, is Earth Day—the 45th annual Earth Day, in fact. And the media will, as usual, trumpet various alarms, some of them with at least a grain of truth, many grossly exaggerated, some simply false.Various exposés of Earth Day hype have been published through the years, with a good one by Cornwall Alliance friend Alan Caruba just appearing on Sunday.But at the root of all the false thinking associated with Earth Day—and environmentalism … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Senator Sessions Grills EPA Nominee in Confirmation Hearing
One almost feels pity for Janet McCabe under grueling questioning by Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL). It’s clear she knows—well, pretty much nothing relevant about the science of climate change. Maybe we shouldn’t expect much scientific knowledge from her, though. She’s not a scientist. (Remember that next time someone tries to silence you on global warming because you’re not a scientist.) She’s a lawyer and former environmental health advocate. But she’s nominated to be Assistant Administrator … [Read more...]
Climate Hubs Stepping Stone To Broader Climate Legislation
The Obama Administration decided last month that it would placate the “Green” lobby by telling our nation’s farmers how to do their job. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the creation of seven Regional Climate Hubs for Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change. These Hubs match climate change knowledge with local farmers using current networks including local extension agents. This announcement by the Obama Administration was a stepping stone to this month’s announcement of … [Read more...]
Obama Budget Includes Wish List for Climate Change Spending
While the United States is in debt $17.5 trillion, the Obama Administration proposes a budget that increases spending! Tuesday, March 4, President Obama revealed his Fiscal Year 2015 Budget, his wish-list for next year. It has already been derided by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, but that doesn’t make it irrelevant. It signals the goals of the Obama Administration. Included in the $3.9 trillion budget was $10.8 billion earmarked for climate change-related initiatives in … [Read more...]
Europe Flees Economy-Destroying Green Initiatives While Obama Presses On
C02 reduction regulations and subsidies for “green energy” are destroying the European economy, and the United States is next. But Europe’s waking up. After years of trying to lead the push to go green, it has turned around and begun steep cuts in its climate protection goals. Why? To save member states’ economies. For example, Germany, one of the strongest proponents of environmental regulations in the European Union (EU), has seen energy prices soar, making its prices the highest in Europe. … [Read more...]
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