African priorities differ from those of Europe and North America. Among the Dark Continent’s most daunting challenges are poverty, malnutrition, lack of healthcare and proper education, unemployment, inferior transportation infrastructure, and underdeveloped technologies for energy, information, and communications.Image: Creative Commons via UnsplashTherefore, Africans do not have the option to adopt unscientific and unachievable climate policies that address none of these issues in a serious … [Read more...]
Thailand’s Tiger Turnaround Contradicts Climate Fearmongering
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThailand’s protected forest areas are home to the Indochinese tiger, known by their biological name Panthera tigris corbetti. Recent population numbers suggest that the tiger is making a comeback. Tiger populations in two of Thailand’s wildlife sanctuaries grew from 42 in 2012 to about 100 in 2022. The resurgence is one more conservation success story that defies the climate-obsessed mainstream media's doomsday narrative, which has been blaming … [Read more...]
The Earth Is Warming, but Is CO2 the Cause?
The following is an excerpt from an article by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.If this column has ever plagiarized itself, it’s by repeating the phrase “evidence of warming is not evidence of what causes warming.” A paper published by the Norwegian government’s statistical agency, written by two of its retired experts, touching on this very subject has called forth so many shrieked accusations of climate apostasy that you know it must be interesting.The authors ask a simple question: Are … [Read more...]
Papers Point to Urban Heat Islands for 2023’s Hot Summer Temperatures
Writing in American Thinker, Mark Adams notes that although 2023’s summer was hotter than normal, as the mainstream media voluminously report, three recent papers published in respected peer-reviewed journals have concluded that much of the hyped heat was a result of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, with compromised ground-based temperature stations in expanding urban and suburban areas biasing the local and thus global averaged temperatures upward. As Adams writes:Although urban areas occupy … [Read more...]
Indonesia Shelves Decarbonization for Prosperity and Security
Over the past few decades, Indonesia, an archipelagic nation made up of over 17,000 islands, has seen amazing economic progress. The strategic utilization of fossil fuels is a key factor at the center of this growth.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashIndonesia is a significant user of coal and the world’s third-largest producer of the mineral. But just like other countries, it faces immense pressure from entities like the United Nations and anti-fossil fuel leaders in the West to reduce the … [Read more...]
Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over
The following is a guest article by Alex Newman. Leading voices in the climate science community are in an uproar as their warming hypothesis is coming under fresh assault by new scientific papers.The authors of the papers are being attacked and say that “activist scientists” threatened by the new findings are “aggressively conducting an orchestrated disinformation campaign to discredit the papers and the scientific reputation of the authors.”Indeed, from insults on social media … [Read more...]
Electric Vehicles Are Much More Costly than Commonly Claimed
Electric Vehicles (EV) have been much in the headlines recently, from stories detailing the difficulties with charging them to losses suffered by major automakers pushing them at the behest of the Biden administration, to EV fires, the dependence on China for critical components used in EVs including their batteries, range and function issues, and beyond.I have discussed the myriad problems with EVs on multiple occasions in recent months. For instance, I addressed a range of concerns in detail … [Read more...]
Ninety-Nine Percent Consensus? Not so, Says New Analysis
A new study published in the journal Climate by a group of researchers from various universities and research institutes in Israel (Dentelski, et al.) debunks a study in another journal that claimed support for the theory humans are causing dangerous climate change “anthropogenic global warming” (AGW) tops 99 percent.A 2021 study (Lynas et al.) claimed a review of a random sample of 3,000 publications discussing climate change, out of “a dataset of 88125 climate-related papers published since … [Read more...]
Why Young Evangelicals Are in Danger of Becoming Puppets for Climate Marxism
The following is a guest article by Jason Mattera.The phrase “useful idiot” referred to those individuals during the Cold War who unwittingly disseminated communist propaganda (American liberals), even if they weren’t commies themselves.Naïfs, in other words. Major-league naïfs.Today, there appears to be a growing number of young evangelicals who are intent on proving this catchphrase true — locking arms with a worldwide movement devoted to the eradication of private property, limited … [Read more...]
Without Crude Oil, There Can Be No Electricity
Over the last 200 years, after the discovery of crude oil, the world's population has increased from 1 to 8 billion. Today, all the electricity generation options available, such as wind turbines, solar panels, nuclear power, hydropower, coal, and natural gas, depend on the products and components manufactured from crude oil to generate electricity.Image: Creative Commons via UnsplashLooking back, the history of the petroleum industry illustrated that crude oil was virtually useless unless … [Read more...]
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