Carbon Brief, the website of one of many climate-alarmist organizations, wants to make sure you aren't a victim of "climate change misinformation." To that end, it published, last month, an erudite-sounding article titled "How climate change misinformation spreads online." It is an exercise in bogus critical thinking.The authors---Kathie Treen, a Ph.D. candidate in computer science; Dr. Hywel Williams, a professor in data science, and Dr. Saffron O'Neill, a professor in geography, all at the … [Read more...]
Hot Summer Epic Fail: New Climate Models Exaggerate Midwest Warming by 6X
For the last 10 years I have consulted for grain growing interests, providing information about past and potential future trends in growing season weather that might impact crop yields. Their primary interest is the U.S. corn belt, particularly the 12 Midwest states (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, the Dakotas, Minnesota, and Michigan) which produce most of the U.S. corn and soybean crop.Contrary to popular perception, the U.S. Midwest has seen little … [Read more...]
Next-generation climate models: worse than ever!
Back in February, Pat Michaels dropped something of a bombshell. It was an exposé of the Achilles heel of alarmist climate science.He did it in a lecture, just posted to YouTube on June 11, at a joint meeting of the Independent Institute and the National Association of Scholars. What he showed was that practically all the climate models on which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and lots of national governments rely are wrong---hopelessly, egregiously, starkly wrong. And all (but … [Read more...]
Mega drought or mega propaganda?
For some seeking attention — or possibly grant money — bad news can never be bad enough without adding a bit of global-warming hysteria.The southwestern United States is undergoing one of its worst droughts in 1,200 years and it is being made worse by man-made climate change. So says a new study released in the journal Science. According to authors from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and other esteemed institutions, including Columbia University, the 19-year period (2000 to 2018) is … [Read more...]
50th Earth Day: Compassionate concern for humans and their habitat
A measured response to COVID-19 must balance health and economic needsFifty years of weather have passed since the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. This was the same year the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was established and the federal Clean Air Act was promulgated.Over the past five decades, since I rode my bike to school celebrating that inaugural day, the nation’s air quality has improved markedly. Particle and gaseous pollutants have been reduced tremendously, and … [Read more...]
Are Schools and Media to Blame for Children’s Climate-change Neuroses?
The Independent reported March 3 that “a growing number of children are being affected by eco-anxiety—concern about ecological disasters.”Question: Do you suppose there is any connection between what school children are being taught in the classroom and may see on broadcast “news” all over the world—if they take time to pay attention—and their states of mind?Neither a typical school teacher, nor the average news reporter, is sufficiently grounded in the arcane discipline of climate science … [Read more...]
Sea Level Up at Almost All US Coasts—So What?
"The sea level rose at nearly all U.S. coastline measurement stations in 2019, leaving scientists to warn that the likelihood that heavy flooding will strike is becoming more likely."So wrote Sandy Fitzgerald in Newsmax February 3. But never fear. The facts and some solid reasoning will show that that outcome is unlikely, even as a worst case.This narrative has long served as an ace in the hole for the climate alarmists. What Ms. Fitzgerald failed to tell her readers is that long-term tide … [Read more...]
T-Shirt Time in Antarctica?
So suggested a headline in Bloomberg News early last month. What to make of this? For one thing Bloomberg News can no longer be regarded as a sterling source for news after its owner has thrust himself into the 2020 Presidential race.Still the information in the piece needs some careful examination.Right out of the gate please notice that the site where the temperature record was broken is not the same as that where the photograph was taken dating to 2008.In material fact, the distance between … [Read more...]
Will Climate Change Destroy Half the World’s Beaches?
According to a claim making the rounds through the media, global “temperature is expected to rise by 2.8° C at the end of this century due to climate change. This … will cause sea levels to rise, causing half of the world’s beaches to disappear.” My current search turned up at least a dozen more references that reconfirm the rampant pack-journalism mentality in today’s media. A quick read of the article below suggests several misinterpretations indulged in by the reporter.1) The only reason for … [Read more...]
Which Is the Greater Threat to San Diego? Climate Change, or Earthquake?
The Los Angeles Times manages to take its usual, circuitous way around to tell us its grim story, but in the end has made my point that natural cataclysmic events like plagues, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms and rare unscheduled visits by a celestial object present a far greater, and over time, a more real and present danger to humankind than any imagined threat from gradual climate change, whether it be caused by human agency or nature. The media should be ashamed of themselves for … [Read more...]
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